Wendigo Attack I

Amazingly, Elder Otto wasn't any much slower than Kyle despite the headstart the latter had. We reached soon enough, and even before Elder Otto came to a stop, I could smell the pungent odor of rotting corpses quickly spreading through the air.

Instinctively, I wrinkled my nose. In front of me, Darach straight-up gagged. He whirled around to look at me, confirming that I had smelled the same thing that he did.

"What is that stench?" he said, his voice nasally with how he pinched his nose shut.

"Wendigos," I said, cupping a hand over my nose and mouth while the other was on Elder Otto's back to steady myself. "And by this smell, it might not be just one."

"We need to let Milo know," Darach cried out.