Different Reaction I

Despite all the warnings I had sent out to Damon — and had gotten Kyle to forward to Damon — he still showed up. 

There was no fanfare, no extravagance, and no time wasted. In just a little more than two days, Damon had sped his way over in an armored Rolls Royce, pulling into the gates of the Elrod mansion with more speed than I would've liked.

Not many from Thunderstrike knew that he was coming this time, and the car he drove could easily be misrecognized as one from Thorton Elrod's previous collection of expensive luxury cars. As such, there weren't many who gave us a second glance.

I watched from the window of the corridor as Damon parked and locked the car, his eyes surveying the expanse of the mansion. As though he could feel my gaze on him, he suddenly looked up, our gazes locking. I wondered if he could see my eyes widening just a small fraction, surprised that he could sense me so quickly.