Scent Blocker I

"So, he's finally gone," Darach said, his demeanor a lot more cheerful once he saw the last of Damon's vehicle driving into the sunset. He leaned back on his office chair and heaved a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Harper, for not abandoning us in our hour of need." 

"I promised that I would stay. Did you doubt me that much?" I asked Darach, even as I felt Damon's absence as keenly as a fresh wound. It would scab over soon enough, and with it, I would also lose whatever improvements to my senses that our lovemaking brought me. 

"I trust you. I just don't trust Damon," Darach said frankly, and it was such an echo of Damon's own words that I had to snort, while Kyle fought the urge not to bristle and snap at another pack's Alpha for the perceived slight towards Damon. "What's so funny?"

I held out a hand to calm Kyle down. "Nothing really. Just the fact that you and Damon are strangely more alike than you think. He said the exact same thing when he came over."