Tail Tucked

It was safe to say training was the last thing on anyone's mind after this turn of events. Gertrude began to wail and beg at Milo's feet, her knees supplanted on the floor. 

"Please, don't send me to the dungeons! I beg you! I'm innocent! I'm not a traitor! I swear― I did everything because Miss Dahlia paid me to!" 

"How dare you implicate me!" Dahlia screamed, incensed. "You weak-willed bitch! I knew I should never have trusted you!"

"I heard enough," Milo growled and he gestured for the guards to restrain her and Dahlia. But while Gertrude offered no physical resistance to being manhandled, soon to be hauled away for interrogation, Dahlia was a whole kettle of fish altogether.