A Gift From A Mother I

Once again, alarm bells started to ring in my mind. What would my dear mother consider an appropriate gift to mend the distance between us after years of absence? I could think of nothing, which worried me immensely. 

A car? A house? They were possible options, but they didn't seem something my mother would deem worthy enough. 

"There's really no need though," I said warily. "I just want my phone back."

"You need to aim for better things, my dear." My mother tutted with mild disapproval. She then reached into her skirt pocket and dangled a bunch of keys in front of me.

Maybe I was indeed going to get a house. My heart raced― if it was a house, we would have to leave this tower. I could learn more about this new city and make plans to leave. 

"Come on, time's ticking. Let me bring you to your new gift," she said cheerfully, and I followed her out of the room, with Gus guarding my back, just in case I wanted to make any unwise escape attempts.