A Hunter's Daughter

There was a soft, quiet gasp that thundered in my ears, and I felt a spray of hot blood soak through my clothes. Some of it splattered on my face, the coppery scent fresh and unforgiving. I gingerly opened my eyes, only to witness Dahlia's prone body lying on the floor in a pool of her own blood. 

This time, her limbs did not twitch, even as blood continued to gush out through her wounds.

Her wounds that I had caused. My stomach turned and twisted when I caught sight of where my bullet went― straight through her heart.

This time, I knew there was no saving Dahlia. Judging by the dazed, yet panicked look in her eyes as she tried to focus on me, she must have known it too. I watched, helpless, as the light in her eyes slowly dimmed, and then faded out entirely. 

Dahlia's bright blue eyes were now staring unseeingly in my direction. Yet, even without life behind them, they seemed to be accusing me of killing her.