Can’t Lose What You Never Had

The hordes of hunters seemed to stop at her voice, but they continued to brandish their weapons in our faces. I stared down the barrels of multiple guns, before turning back to gaze at my mother derisively.

"Distract her," Blaise whispered from the corner of his mouth, his lips barely moving. I didn't know what his plan was, but if he wanted me to attract my mother's attention, I had just the idea. 

"Mother, stop this madness at once!" I demanded angrily, whipping out the pistol to point it at her. "Stop it now, or I'll shoot!" 

My mother let out a condescending laugh. "Dearest, I would be more threatened if your arms weren't trembling like a leaf in the wind." She stretched out her hands, wordlessly taunting me to pull the trigger. 

I snarled and shot. My mother didn't even flinch, she calmly cocked her head to the side, dodging my bullet with relative ease. I cursed; that was another bullet wasted.