Hunters, Werewolves, & Vampires II

A bolt of fear shot through Damon's heart, an emotion that was very clearly relayed to me. Likewise, Blaise immediately stepped forward, using his body to shield me from any possible harm. 

I stared at my mother in disbelief. While I had understood that she most likely hadn't considered me important enough despite her claims, I hadn't thought that she would go to the extent of killing me to achieve her cause. There were glimpses she showed that made her seem like an actual caring woman who missed her daughter, just fragments through the distorted, sadistic mess she otherwise displayed.

"You wouldn't," I said, shaking my head as my mother's eyes met mine.

Her gaze softened for a fraction of a second before hardening back up, replaced by a cool confidence.

"How sure are you?" my mother replied. Four words. That was all it took for my heart and whatever longing I held for this woman to completely shatter.