Reborn From Ashes

"Harper? Harper!" 

I coughed, my throat feeling as though I had just swallowed a mouthful of flour as dust spurted out of my lips. Cracking open my eyes felt as though I was peeling two layers of skin apart, and when the blinding light streamed into my eyes, I instinctively winced.

"Oh thank the Goddess you're alright."

It took me a lot of adjusting and blinking before I realized that the shadowy figure who stood in front of me was none other than Blaise. He squatted down to my eye level, surveying my body before he eventually pulled off his jacket.

"Here," he said, laying the clothing on top of my body. I hadn't even realized how cold it had been until he did, and I instinctively shivered, grabbing the jacket and wrapping it tighter around me.

"What happened?" I croaked, my voice hoarse and strained. Then, I realized that I could finally speak again― I was human again. I couldn't even remember shifting back. "Did I really―?"