Fear of Failure

Our attention all turned to Damon, who had his jaw clenched so tightly that his veins were visible just beneath his skin. He kept his gaze firmly on Kyle, a million thoughts running through his head. Even his emotions were moving like a whirlwind, not stopping for even a second on one thought, and quickly moving to the next.

Of those emotions, I felt doubt and a sliver of hope. His fear was also prominent, and I could see it in the subtle way his eyebrows were furrowed and the manner his fists were clenched firmly together.

"Let's go home," he suddenly said, his low voice cutting through the thick tension. Without saying another word, he turned and headed back in the direction where the car was parked.

"Is he alright?" Kyle asked, standing up to his full height right as Darach's security team came over with a towel for him to wrap himself in.