
"Really? Why did he go through all the trouble as to ask for you personally? He could have sent over the case document file don't you think? What type of case did he assign you?"

"Not here, let's head to my office," he said looking around," there are so many ears and eyes around."

Rin looked around, shook her head and together they made their way to Lian's office away from the so called eyes and ears of the police building.

"So what about the case? Can you tell me now that we are away from the crowd?" Rin asked taking a seat.

"Nothing much just told me to spy on The B."

"Wait! The B? The mafia group?"

"That's the one."

"But why them? Aren't they a righteous group?"

Lian shrugged and took off his badge placing it in the drawer," They are but if they are involved in crimes, I will bring them to justice."

"And why did boss pick them? Did he at least tell you the reason?"

"He said something about them being involved in the murder of righteous people."

"That doesn't seem right. Did he tell you anything else?"

"What's up with you? Why are you so concerned about this group?"

Rin pursed her lips and Lian raised his brow.

"Rin… is there something I should know about?"

"What do you mean?"

"Quit playing dumb Rin, the way you were asking about the group was… how should I say it… it was somewhat odd."

"Odd? I was just surprised by why the chief said that about the group," she replied her mind trailing off as she blankly stared at him.

"Rin, what's wrong? You suddenly have the lost look in your eyes, is there something I should know?"

"Huh? No, it's nothing you may leave. Good luck with the case."

Lian nodded and walked away Rin staring after him.

The phone rang once, twice and on the third call, Ding answered the call. 

" This better be good," he said.

After the person from the other side of the line finished explaining everything, Ding hang up the phone and stood up. He walked out of the office and headed to his car.

"To the dock."

"Yes sir," the driver said and started the engine bringing the car to life.

Lian lay among the containers overlooking the men off loading the ship. A sleek black car drove into sight and Lian lay still camera in hand.

"I just need to get some shots of this illegal shipping," he said to himself and positioned himself using the shadows of the huge containers to his advantage.

From the sleek car, Ding got out and with hands in his pocket, he stood watching the offloading of the crates. Having full focus on the man and the goods, Lian took pictures and on the fourth picture, the man's eyes moved from the cargo and landed on the camera. A smirk played on his lips and Lian fell back leaning against the container his heart beating loudly in his ears.

"Did he see me? There's no way he could have seen me. Right?"

Feeling a little bit relieved, he slowly began to crawl from his hiding spot only to be stopped by two men.

"Hi gentlemen, I was just about to leave."

The first guy threw a punch at him and he dodged running down the opposite path. Two more goons appeared in front of him and trapped him.

"Can't we talk things out?"

The four goons closed in on him and he slowly withdrew from them only for his back to rest on the container wall. Frantically, he looked for an exit route but found none, he had to deal with the approaching goons first. The first man attacked and Lian dodged retaliating with his own attack. As he was fighting off the last of the goons, a strong arm pulled him back and before he could analyse the situation, cold metal wrapped around his wrists.


He turned around and met with a pair of cold, golden eyes belonging to the guy he had taken pictures off.

"You… let me go this instant!" Lian said frantically pulling on the silver cuffs binding his wrists.

"Watch him," Ding said to one guy and headed to the edge.

He picked up Lian's camera and turned to face him.

"What are you doing with my camera?"

"You took photos of me right?"

"So what if I did. Are you going to destroy my camera?"

"You're smart."

Ding threw the camera down with enough force that it shattered to pieces.

"My camera! Why you…"

Lian broke free of his captor and rushed towards him. Just before he reached him, he was tackled and he fell to the ground face first. The impact with the rough ground left a bruise on his cheek and the sting from when his sweat mixed with the cut made him wince. Ding knelt in front of him and tilted his chin up so that he could look directly into his eyes.

"Interesting, you've got some skills," he said and Lian spat on his face.


Ding wiped his face with the back of his hand and stood up an amused smile on his lips.

"Boss, we got company."

"Take him back, you know what to do."


The men dragged with them a struggling Lian and threw him onto the back seat before settling on each side of him. 

"Don't worry kid, they won't do anything bad to you. That is until I tell them to."

He stood from the window, tapped the roof of the car twice and watched as it drove out of sight. Four cars drove into sight and stopped in front of him.

"Well well well, long time no see brother."

"What brings you here?" he asked coldly and Tsun smiled.

"Why are you so cold brother?"

Ding shrugged and turned his attention to the men finishing on the last crates.

"My men are almost done offloading the ship."

"How's your group? Heard you protect the righteous now."

"Which song bird told you that?"

"Don't play dumb brother, everyone knows about this. Even father…"

"Won't you load the crates in your car?" Ding asked cutting him off and Tsun sighed.

"At least take two crates with you brother," he said.

"No need I…"

Tsun grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and unwaveringly stared into his eyes.

"It's not up for discussion, you MUST take two crates with you, that's an order."

Ding defiantly stared back with an unbothered expression on his face. Slowly, his hands came up and wrapped around Tsun's before gently freeing himself from his grip.

"As you wish young master," he replied and turned his back to him," and next time, refrain from grabbing me, you just left some creases on my clothes."

"Loosen up brother, you can get new ones anytime you want. I'll even pay for the clothes."