New job


With a great boost of strength, Lian pushed Ding from him because his afterbath scent was not very good for his heart. Ding was taken a back by this but after seeing Lian's flushed expression, a predatory smirk spread on his lips.

That reaction... he looks like a kid and that just makes me want to play a couple of tricks on him.

An idea struck him and he lunged forward, his hands connecting with Lian's chest, and with a brutal thrust, he sent him crashing down, his arms flailing as he hit the mattress.

"Wh- what are you doing?" Lian asked not sure if his voice was louder than the sound echoing in his ears.

"Me? What do you think am doing?" he asked a hungry look in his eyes and this made Lian shiver.

With one hand securing Lian's hands above his head, his other hand trailed down Lian's body and he tightly shut his eyes as Ding began slipping his hand under his shirt. Lian grabbed Ding's shoulders and pushed him up.


Ding looked at him and his teary eyes and light pink cheeks made him loose himself.

"Adorable," he mumbled inaudibly.

His fingers trailed up Lian's belly and he involuntary shivered at the sudden cold touch.

"S-Sir... stop it!"

Ding looked invigorated, his eyes bright and hungry, his skin damp and slightly fragrant with the clean scent of his soap.

"Should I?" he whispered into Lian's ear.

Lian sank his fingers into his shoulder at his warm breath on his ear.

Hmm... even his ears turned red. How adorable.

Ding pulled away from him a smirk on his lips and a pang of disappointment hit Lian. With Ding at a safe distance, Lian could finally breathe but his heart would not calm down. Ding on the other hand slipped into a black robe and secured it with a small knot before taking a seat and turning to Lian.

"So, let's get down to business."

"O, okay then," he said and got down from the bed.

Immediately his leg touched the floor, they buckled under him and he fell onto his knees. Ding watched this amused but not entirely surprised.

"Am sorry, give me a minute boss," he said and tried to get up.

"Please... take all the time you need," Ding replied and crossed his right leg over the left," am in no rush."

Lian chose to ignore his reply and solely focus on the embarrassment that was swallowing him.

 I can't believe my knees gave way because he was being a bit intimate with me. This is so embarrassing! I just want to die!

Taking a deep breathe Lian slowly got up from the floor and stood before Ding his head bowed and hands behind his back.

"Okay then now that that's over, you will be my personal pet."

"Excuse me but what do you mean? Haven't I been doing that since I got here?" he asked and Ding shrugged his shoulders.

"Well no, you have been a nuisance but now I will be giving you a real job. Why? You don't want to do it?"

"And what is it will I be doing as your pet?"

"Well... whatever a pet does," he said and Lian slightly flinched.

What is he plotting? How is being a pet a real job? This man is just messing with me... but then again... this might actually be my chance...

"Okay I'll do it," he stated firmly and Ding nodded his head.

"Wonderful! Then let's set some ground rules. Firstly, you are to respond at my beck and call no matter what time it is. Secondly, you must accompany me anywhere I go and lastly, you must be willing to sacrifice yourself for me. If you can abide by these rules, then we have an agreement. What do you say?"

Lian grit his teeth together and nodded his head," As you wish."

"Oh and one more thing, you must call me 'Master.' "

This guy...

"As you wish... Master," he said through clenched teeth.

"You may leave. Be here tomorrow before the sunrise with my breakfast."

"Of course Master," he replied and walked out closing the door behind him.

As Lian was wandering around mentally cussing at Ding, he bumped into Tsun who was on his way out.

"Oh? If it isn't the cutie, what are you doing?"

"Mr. Tsun... am a bit lost."

"That's to be expected in a place like this. It's such a huge house and it's your first time here."

"I was hoping to run into any servants and get some directions but..."

"Follow me. At this time, the maids are usually in the eastern wing of the palace. I'll take you to them."

"Really? Thank you!" he beamed and Tsun shuffled his hair.

They made their way across the gardens and came to a stop by a smaller mansion. Tsun bid Lian farewell just a stone throw away from the place and disappeared around the corner. Lian walked into the bustling room and everything went into silence upon his arrival.

"Hello am Lian and I-"

"Sir Lian? What are you doing here?" a butler asked not believing his eyes.

"Goodness this won't do," another shouted.

"What is master's guest doing here?"

"He's master's guest?"

The shouts and whispers echoed around him and he had no idea what to do in that kind of situation.

The following morning just as requested of him, Lian was up and by Ding's room door before the sun had risen. He knocked on the door and walked in upon getting the approval.

"Your breakfast Master," he said and placed the food on the side table by Ding's bed," excuse me."

He turned to leave but Ding grabbed his hand and pulled him back causing him to tumble onto his arms.

"What are you doing Master?" he asked and kicked around trying to free himself from Ding's strong hold.

He leaned in close, his breath warm against his ear.

"Feed me."

His voice, barely above a whisper, was a soft, intimate murmur that sent shivers down his spine.

"Master... th- that was not part of the rules you stated yesterday..." he managed to speak up and Ding chuckled causing him to let out a small gasp.

"Why? You don't want to feed me?" he asked a pout on his lips.

"Th-that's not..."

"Won't you feed your master? I want you to feed me."

The gentle brush of his lips as he spoke created an electric connection, making every single word he uttered feel like a secret meant only for him. Lian's ears grew hot and turned pink at this and Ding smirked. Without warning, he bit onto the top of his ear and Lian jolted in surprise.

Hmm.. interesting. His ears are his weakness huh? This is going to be a lot fun.
