
Ding dialled Tsun's number and brought the phone to his ear.

His mind went back to the packages he was shown when he arrived at the house. Inside the box was a bloody dismembered arm and a note which stated that he had to go to a specific location on his own without any of his men.

He was sure the arm didn't belong to Tsun but he couldn't rule out the possibility that he might be in some sort of danger.

When the call connected to a voice mail, Ding lowered his hand.

"Any news about the young master?"

"No boss. The calls aren't going through."

"Dammit! I'll head to the location stated on the note first."

Though displeased by this idea, the men didn't dare speak up their concerns.

Ryuu walked into sight and Ding turned to him.

Ryuu," You're going alone?"

"The note said to go alone."

Ryuu rubbed the bridge between his eyebrows," You do realise that these sort of situations mean that it's a trap right?"