Escape plan

Ding scoffed and picked the gun aiming it at his head. Lian held his breathe as Ding pulled the trigger and when nothing happened, he let put the breath he was holding in.


The man snatched the gun from Ding's hand, aimed it at his head and shot.


Blood trickled from the wound as the man fell to the ground dead. Lian hid his trembling hands behind his back.

"This round the wolf wins."

Some men cheered while others mumbled amongst themselves. Another bullet was reloaded onto the gun and passed to the new contestant.

The guy picked the gun and aimed it at his head and nothing happened. The gun was then passed to Ding.

After the first three tries with nothing happening, Lian's nerves stood on edge every time it was Ding's turn.

When nothing happened after the new contestant shot himself the fifth time, Lian rushed to stop Ding, grabbing his arm before he raised the gun to his head.

"What is he doing?"