
Li grit his teeth and snorted in response. This guy had the nerve to ask that stupid question?

"Who hurt him?" Ding repeated.

Before he could reply, Lian stirred in his arms and drowsily opened his eyes.


Lian blinked and steadied his gaze between the red haired guy carrying him and the black haired guy before him. His mind was all jumbled up from the many drinks he had downed. His throat felt dry and parched. He opened his mouth to speak but only a groan escaped his throat.

"W.. wa..ter..."

"Water? Okay I'll go get it for you," he said and disappeared into the kitchen.

Li set Lian on the coach and knelt in front of him his hands on his.

Ding hurried to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. When he walked back to the living room, the sight that met him left him dumb founded. Li was on his knees grabbing onto Lian's hands and Lian gazing at him at a loss.