Under the sudden stares of more than five pairs of eyes, Lian felt uncomfortable and instinctively hid behind Ding's figure. Ding was taller than him and this action completely hid his self.
Ding did not seem bothered by the stares but by the person who had suddenly hidden behind him.
"What are you doing?" He asked and Lian chuckled nervously.
"Am not used to being in the spotlight so am scared," Lian admitted and Ding snorted and walked towards the table.
"My, my who was it that said he wouldn't come?"
Zixin smiled and took a sip from his wine glass before speaking up," What took you so long?"
"Uh... no idea. I got lost."
"Got lost? How could you get lost?" The elder at the front asked and Lian recognised that voice too well.
"And what's with that person hiding behind you?" his grandfather asked and Lian slowly poked his head from behind the broad shoulders.