Kojo walked out of the palace he noticed an envoy of turning up. They too appeared to be people of importance but the knights guarding them wore different type of armor than what those of the kingdom wearing black instead of the silver ones worn by that if the kingdoms knights. Also the flags they used was different. The flag of Archadia was a golden Celtic shield over a red background ,that's a circular shield with two semi-circular d nts at either side and a dent at the bottom. The shield had an eight pointed star in the middle with the bottommost reached to touch the small dent at the bottom of the shield.had six pair of wings. The edges of the shield had a design like chains being interlocked and the area around the shield was designed like scales. The shield had three pairs of outstretched wings and golden lines extending from the shield diverging giving the appearance of light being radiated.

The flag of Adonis ,however was a large black gear in a green background with segments that made it look like a five pointed star was cut out of it. Bordering the inner circle was what looked like the helmet of a knight with a sword and and a rifle crossed over each other at the bottom of the shield.

One of the men turned and looked at him. Their eyes met for a brief instant before Kojo walked away. The man stared after him for a few moments before walking to join his comrades and enter the palace.

"Who are those guys?"

( They are an envoy from the kingdom of Adonis)

" Adonis huh?" Kojo said as he walked out of the castle and into the city.

" What are they like?"

Sysia displayed a 3d image of the planet in his mind.

(There are six continent on this planet. Before anything let's put it all into perspective. By my calculations and the information I accessed from the archive this world, Gaia is slightly bigger than the earth) she said displaying earth beside Earth.

( The continents are;

Ezkanur in the north

Apollonia at the equator

Heliopolis in the east

The Savage lands in the West

Ryukai ,the floating continent was at prestent floating over a storm over the continent of Saifelle ,the mythical land of spirits. This is a project of the continents of our old world in relation to this one.)

Based on Sysia's projection Koji found out that Apollonia woukd have encompassed Europe and Africa. Ezkanur would be at the North Pole, Heliopolis would be at where China should be with its smaller islands going all the way to what should be Australia.

The Savage lands would be all of north America and part of the south and the continent of Saifelle would lie between the Pacific Ocean and the South Pole. The dragon continent of Ryukai had just floated over Saifelle and was moving toward Heliopolis.

" Hmm" Kojo said as Appolonia was highlighted.

( There are five nations on this continent

Adonis, Archadia Gwaltch,Tessaloni, Granola,Quava

And the Necrolionic Federation. Adonis is at the North Eastern part of the continent and shares a border with Arcadia at the provinces of Carnelia and Opal. The border between Carnelia and Opal however is a large lake that's saturated with arcana due to mystium deposits in the water and so have spawned a large number of beasts making Opal the only border town.)

" Ok. But I being a border town you'd expect to see them more often but that's not so"

( Adonis is an empire that wears a mask of progress and reason, but beneath lies a complex web of suspicion and hostility. Their disdain for magic is palpable, and they view those who wield it as a threat to their way of life.)


" They hold the belief that Humans are the strongest race with all others being despised as inferior. What truly sets them apart is Thier disdain for magic. This all dates back to 600 years or so with the appearance of the Enclave during their rainniscance . The Enclaves leader, Voltaire Clave preached his ideals about how magic is a curse from the devil and as humans we should break free of its shackes. He gained quite a following and was recognized by the emperor who though skeptical kept him due to his vast knowledge and wisdom. He later on assasinated the monarch and placed his son as King with himself as second. With his newfound influence he erased the used if magic and rather opted for the use of machines and gadgets. He's been trying to propagate his agenda to other countries since then)

"Wait you mean he's been alive for 600 years? That's insane."

( You're in a world of mythical creatures and the arcane. I'm pretty sure insane is normal around here)

" True that. So he's the one who's been backing up the empire all this time."

( Yes but only in terms of scientific advancement and military development. The country is still in the control of the royal bloodline.)

" Yes but he did assasinate the king and place a more , easier target on the throne. But it still confusing. The average lifespan here is slightly longer and can be stretched a bit to a little over 200 years but 6 centuries is insane and all without the use of magic. Is the empires technology that advanced. And Thier being here. It's probably to Conduct some kind of peace talks.

( The empire is a communist state that after several confrontations with neighboring nations signed a non-agression pact bringing temporary peace to the continent.

" Yeah, cause even if they are an advanced society,they can't go on without resources from other nations. There's probably some kind of non aggression pact between the nations."

( They still use mystium as a power source.)

" Meaning the mystic rich province of Opal is Thier target. They probably haven't done so because they don't wanna provoke Goblin nation of Gwaltch which is right after the lake separating them from Carnelia. That said it's only a matter of time before they do something drastic.)

" When was this treaty signed?"

( It was signed 74 years ago but tensions between the two nations are in the rise as there are rumors that the empire has plans to invade)

Kojo thought for a while then groaned. Running his hands through his hair.

" Aw man.I just wanted to live a decent second life now I have to deal with a war between cosmic forces and look over my shoulder because of a ckuntry if self rightous jackasses." Kojo said. He nearly bumped into an old lady who was carrying a heavy load.

" Sorry" Kojo said.

Due to the skill Accelrant which allowed him to think within fraction of a second being passive it seemed no time had passed though he had an entire conversation with Sysia.

" It's nothing" the old woman said.

" Please,let me help you" Kojo said with a smile taking the load off her head and following her to her home. As thanks for his help the old woman gave him so bread and waved as he he left.

" I know I said I'd meet up with Sharone and the others but I think I'll pass by the academy for a detour. Plus I heard the headlights is Estelle's descendant. Let's see what she knows." Kojo said to himself taking a bite of a loaf of bread and walking toward the academy.

The old woman closed the door and Nefaria walked out of her body and smiled.

" I have you now" she said with a smile before disappearing. Unknown to Kojo the leaves of bread had runes carved into them. Kojo at the last loaf and disposed of the bag before walking through the gates of Jewel Academy.