Kojo's anxiety spiked, as the man emerged from the rip in space. Too many things were going on in his head which did not help the pulsing sensation that made his head feel like it could split at any second. His Danger Sense warned him of the impending threat and Sysia has told him to run but what was this beings motive for being there?
His mind raced with fears for his friends' safety if this person set his sights on the city. He tried to move but his body wouldn't listen. The weight of his nearly depleted arcana reserves left him feeling lightheaded and drained. Yet he remained standing despite the strong aura that was emanating from the man, growing stronger the closer he approached. This feeling was somewhat similar to one he'd experienced before when he'd met Dona for the first time but in her case he didn't feel the overwhelming sensation of misery and his senses didn't warn him like they were now. He looked up and saw the man had fully moved out of the light of the Rip so Kojo could make out his features.
He was slender and had long glacier grey hair that reached his lower back with a streak of bright magenta running through the hair near his face. His eyes were narrow and his irises were a mixture of magenta and lavender . He had a well-defined face although the lower half from his nose to his chin was hidden by a black mask, and skin so white that it is almost transparent. He also wrote a large robe with a cape that concealed his form.He looked relatively young and if Kojo didn't know any better he'd say it was a young lady coming out of a Vogue runway. But Kojo knew better and he knew that this Man was a threat.
Forcing himself to move he crossed his swords in front of him and flowed some of his arcana through the tips. A ball of fire appeared in-between the blades beginning to spin and compressed as it charged up changing from red to orange to yellow to green to blue slowly changing into another color . Kojo had wanted to test how much power he could charge up but he could only manage this much for now.
"Indigo" he yelled firing a ball of nuclear . It struck its target and there was a large explosion. Kojo put his arms in front of his face to protect himself from the backlash.
" Maybe I over did it" h muttered to himself. Suddenly he felt a presence and jumped back. He landed several meters away but The man was already beside him. Kojo froze his eyes turning in that direction.
" How did he...?" He wondered.
" Hmm still able to exert so much force after being completely drained. Interesting." He said in a low emotionless voice.
Kojo spun around and moving anticlockwise tried to slash at the man. The ground under them cracked with the force of Kojo's strike but the man has stopped the blade with the tip of his fingers. Her wore long slender black gauntlets that had metallic claws on the tip. Kojo noticed he wore a chest plate but the loose pieces of cloth hung from his shoulders and his belt covering everything else.
" You also possess the Reality Sword Caliburn." He said examining the blade.
" Maybe you were the one...." He said reaching out with his other hand. Kojo tried to pry himself free but was unable to do so even though the man appeared to be using no effort to hold him in place.
Within the city Dona's aura raged as she faced the direction Kojo was,her aura was almost palpable and its force was blowing away the surroundings. Her red eyes became serpentine and the tips of her lips extended beyond her cheek to her jaws. Dark red scales formed around them and a ball of pure energy formed in her open maw. Sparks of lightning sparked off it and struck the surrounding area. Saleem has erected a barrier to protect those around from the energy.She knew full well how powerful Dona was. Even though this beat wasn't a supercharged shot meant to kill,it was an attack that had the attribute of her. A beam of raw power that unimagined anything it touched.
Dona raised her head and with a scream released the energy which destroyed everything in front of it and melted the ground underneath it.
Kojo freed himself and jumped out of the way just as the man turned and raised his hand to stop the beam. It blasted him all the way to the edge of the rift before exploding. Kojo noticed that the attack had hurt the man. His cape was burned and what remained of the muscles on his right hand has withered and were smouldering. Kojo sensed killing intent and turned to see a figure approaching through the flames.
Dona Crimson floated through the flames the molten rock boiling under her as she passed. Her presence was majestic and commanding. Her long, flowing red hair waved behind her and seemed to burn brighter than the fire around her. Her eyes burned with an inner intensity, glowing like hot coals as they shone with a deep, crimson light.
Her armour had a large fluffy white fur collar and loose pieces of fabric that hung between her legs. The intricate, overlapping plates that seemed to shift and shimmer like liquid. The armor hugged her curves, and exposed her thighs and some cleavage accentuating her lithe, athletic build as it appeared to be forged from the very essence of fire itself. In one hand, she wielded a flaming spear that crackled with energy, its blade shimmering with waves of heat.
A flowing scarf of red lightning danced around her shoulders, its ethereal tendrils passing under her arms without touching her skin. Two black horns protruded from the sides of her head, curved forward and downward in a menacing gesture.
The man looked at her his eyes showing no emotion. His arm regenerated and his clothes repaired themselves and he walked up to Dona.
" So it's true that you have awoken. Chaos Lord Dona Crymson." He said looking her straight in the eye.
" Wait,that's Dona?!" Exclaimed Kojo who was now realizing who she was. Dona frowned at the comment but ignored.
" You haven't changed a bit." Dona said.
" To what do I owe the pleasure ,Order Lord Ned Necro" she said keeping her eyes locked in him.
( Order lord? Meaning he's a Deity. That would explain why Dona attacked him. Demonlords and Deities don't mix well.)
" Demon Lords cause Chaos. Dieties serve Order. This is bad. What if they fight here?" Kojo panicked.
Ned and Dona looked at each other for a moment then the tension dissolved.
" I'm happy to see that you are well, although that means that the other one has awakened as well." Ned said.
" Yeah. But I'll deal with him." Dona responded.
" The last time the two of you fought you nearly destroyed the Nexus and almost brought down the rest of everything because of that." Ned pointed out.
" He started it." Dona defended.
" The means justify the end." Ned said.
Dona pouted and folded her arms.
Kojo just stared from the distance. He noticed that Ned's words barely carried emotion but Dona was cool and flowed with it.
" Is it just me or are the two of these guys best buddies?"
( I'm just as surprised as you are. Maybe the feud between good and evil is just a human myth. I mean Apophenia Is one theory)
" You mean the tendency to perceive meaningful patterns or connections between random or unrelated things, essentially seeing patterns where none exist?"
( Bingo)
" Well it's not that far fetched.
" So you mean to say that that young man didn't breach the planes on purpose?" Ned asked.
" No. It was the other one with the space sword."
" Two sacred blades being in the same place does not put my mind at ease especially if the wielder is able to cut through the subspace membrane that separates the planes and go through eternity,the abyss,the demon world and reach the underworld."
" Yes yes we know you're very diligent in your work." Dona said rolling her eyes.
" This isn't something to be taken lightly. If an Asura escapes we may have another war on our hands."
" Nothing will happen especially since in around you don't need to worry." She said slapping his shoulder.
" I wish I was as optimistic as you." He said with a before turning his attention to Kojo. With two fingers he made a gesture flicking them towards him.
Before Kojo could react ,space displaced in relation to Ned and folded forward moving him to where the tow dieties were.
" Wow." Kojo said not realizing what has happened but thinking it was cool.
Need looked him directly in the eye. Kojo faced him and stared back not backing down. Neds eyes glowed and so did Kojo's.
The glow in his eyes faded.
" I see." He said looking away.
" I think I should take my leave. I have things to do as overseer of The Underworld." He said walking towards the rift. Flames engulfed Dona and she reverted back to her childlike form.He stopped walking and addressed Dona.
" We will not interfere with whatever conflict exists between you and Minatori. You must however keep in mind the repercussiona of your actions. Use your pawns wisely." He said within turnip back and walked through the rift.
" I'll come visit you one if these days . Ja nē." She said with a wave. Two large hands emerged from within the rift and held in to the space on either side of the cut pulling it shut then disappearing like nothing happened.
" Would it kill him to loosen up a little. The rift would have closed off on its own he didn't have to ruin the scenery." Dona said annoyed. She turned to Kojo.
" My times almost up. Let's do this quickly before they get here."
" Who?" Kojo asked still confused about what was going on but Dona has already began walking towards the city. Kojo looked back at the pace where the rift used to be and followed.