Chapter 9

"We're shopping here?!" 

I think I actually squeaked when I said it. It was an upscale boutique and I never in my life even dreamed of setting foot in a place like that. I mean what if I got something dirty? I couldn't afford anything in there, probably not even the air. And honestly, I found it a little intimidating.

Nat laughed. "Yes. We have to get you some party clothes. Tony likes to throw them occasionally. Oh and date clothes. I have a feeling you have several of those coming up."

I gulped. "But Nat... I don't have the money for a place like this. I was thinking more of Goodwill or some other thrift store. I usually spend as little on clothes as I need the weapons more. I've never had clothes like that."

Wanda looked over. "You don't have to worry about money. Tony covers all the bills. It's part of being an Avenger. Plus, he can afford to buy one hundred of these stores and not blink an eye. It's what happens when you are a multi-billionaire playboy."

"Oh... Well, maybe it won't hurt to look then?"

They grabbed my hands and pulled me into the shop. I felt a little stunned as they piled clothes into my arms and steered me into a dressing room. Tops, pants, boots, dresses, underwear, heels... it was all shoved at me and we spent hours with me changing and trying things on. I had chosen several outfits for regular day wear and some party wear. They were insistent that I get date clothes. I chose a few nice dresses. And then I found the perfect dress. It reminded me of a certain someone with blue eyes that always wore emerald green in his outfit. I came out of the dressing room for their approval. They sat stunned without speaking for a few minutes. 

Worry creased my brow. "Does it look that bad?"

Nat jumped. "Absolutely not. It's amazing. You have to have it. No arguments."

"Ok ok, I'm getting it." I laughed at her enthusiasm. 

"I know a certain God that is going to love it. I can't wait until he sees it for the first time. He will swallow his tongue. I'm sure there are a couple of Super Soldiers that are going to like some of these as well."

I grinned as impressing Loki was exactly what I was going for. I wasn't sure why, but I really wanted to impress him. I was a little worried about how the other two would feel, especially when I was more attracted to Loki. I felt a little dizzy with the rush of actual happiness I was feeling. It felt really good. I looked at Wanda to see her smiling at me. 

She nodded and said "Happiness is a good thing. I'm sorry it seems to be a strange emotion for you. But we all want to change that."

These people were amazing. They accepted me without restrictions and limitations. I was just Ariane to them. If I wanted to fight, I could fight. I felt that if I decided that I didn't want to fight, Tony would find something for me to do to help. 

"Thanks, Wanda. Ok, so I think I have spent more than I ever have before in my life. Can we get food now? I'm starving. What's good around here?"

"Well, what do you like to eat?"

"Umm... food? Preferably cooked and somewhere we can sit down and not from a bag? Otherwise I'm not picky."

Nat stood. "I know the perfect place. Pasta work for you? It's got the best Italian food around."

"Oh my god, I could kill for some good lasagna. I haven't had any in forever. Can we eat there Wanda? Please? Pretty pretty please?"

She laughed at my hopeful pleading expression. 

"I can't resist puppy dog eyes. Sure. Let's go. It better live up to your recommendation Nat or you are cooking tonight. 

"It will. I am so NOT cooking."