Chapter 4: Zoey

Slowly I walked into the office and then just stopped and stared. The room was magnificent and every bibliophile's wet dream. Bookshelves lined the walls and were completely filled. A fireplace dominated one wall and already had a fire burning brightly. Two comfortable couches sat in front of the fireplace, just begging you to curl up on them with a good book. The room had a warm glow to it that instantly made you feel at home. All I could do was gaze around in wonder and a large dose of envy. I'd always dreamt of a room just like this, but since I'd never have a permanent home, I knew it was just a dream. 

I heard someone clear their throat and looked over at the desk on the other side of the room and saw Asher, Jericho, and Deacon all looking at me with soft smiles on their faces. I blushed at being caught gawking and slowly walked up to the desk. 

"Your office is amazing. So many books just begging to be read." I wasn't really looking at any of the guys. I was too busy trying to see the titles on some of the books. It looked like I was near a section of fiction authors that ranged from horror to fantasy, and I smiled a little when I saw some romance as well. 

"Thank you. Why don't you have a seat so we can get down to business." Ash gestured to a chair right in front of the desk as I stopped looking at the books and focused on him. 

With one last longing glance at the bookshelves, I moved to the front of the chair Asher had pointed to and sat down. I'd planned to just sit on the edge, but the chair was softer than it looked. I sank back with a little with a squeak, making all three men chuckle. The leather of the chair was butter soft and I wanted nothing more than to curl up in the chair and nap. I was exhausted and my arm hurt. I just wanted the day to be over.

I finally got myself situated in the chair and looked at the three men in front of me. There really was no bad view here. Asher had his shoulder-length black hair pulled back in a ponytail and his sleeves had been rolled up to show his muscular forearms. He had long tapered fingers and idly I wondered how talented he was with those hands. He had a chiseled face that was breathtaking, and his gold eyes were striking. I heard rumors that he was sporting quite the six pack too. With his broad shoulders and long legs, he was mouthwatering.

I flicked my eyes to Deacon. Another fine fine man. His muscles were bulging a little with his arms being crossed over his chest. He was broad in the chest and slim in the waist. You could just look at him to know he had abs for days. His brown hair had interesting tones of red to it and it was loose around his strong face, reaching his shoulders in a slight wave. It kinda made him look like a badass angel. A sinfully dark angel.

All three men were very easy on the eyes. Being so tired I found it a little hard to focus on what we should be talking about and instead I was sitting here wondering what they were packing below the belt. I felt myself get wet imagining it and then blushed hard as I knew they would scent my arousal. I squirmed a little in the chair. Could this meeting get any worse? I should be worried for my life and instead here I was daydreaming about their dicks and how it would feel to have them fuck me.

"Mmmm, penny for your thoughts, darling? I'm curious about what you thought of just now that made you smell so delicious. Care to share?" Asher arched an eyebrow at me, daring me to answer.

I knew the penalty for trespassing on their territory, especially for a rogue wolf. But I was hoping they'd find me interesting enough to let me keep breathing. And something about being around them made my brain shut off and I lost all filters.


He nodded with a small smile.

"I was wondering how you guys would look naked, what size your dicks were, and how you would feel fucking me all at once."

The looks on their faces was fucking PRICELESS!!! I couldn't help it and I started giggling at the stunned looks on their faces. I don't think they expected me to answer at all, let alone with that answer. But hey, I'm a pretty open and honest girl most of the time. I may not have the personal experience, but I definitely knew how to be a dirty girl. Books and movies can do wonders for a… healthy education even without the practical knowledge.

"Well now… um... I can honestly say I wasn't expecting that. And not that level of honesty. I guess my next question is how badly do you wanna know and what would you give for the answer?" 

Asher gave me a heated look and I could see his wolf peeking through his eyes. I shivered and chewed on my bottom lip. I heard some quick indrawn breaths as my teeth clamped onto my lip. Deacon cleared his throat.

"Let's start with a different question. What's your name and why are you here?"

That was more the kind of questions I was expecting. I nodded and gazed at Deacon. 

"My name is Zoey Donovan. As to why I'm here… I was hired to be a server at a party for the rich and, depending on the person, the sexy. One of which that guy from earlier was NOT. I wanted to thank you again for your help. I didn't want to cause a scene during the party and risk damaging Emily's reputation. This job meant a lot to her company, and she has kids and a disabled husband to provide for. If this party went well, she'd become a sought-after caterer. Besides, I figured I could get away from him once he forced me into the room. But it turned out he was much stronger than I thought. I wouldn't have gotten away like I'd figured."

I gestured to my arm and Asher frowned and cleared his throat. 

"It was our pleasure to help. No woman should be forced to do anything she doesn't want. Least of all you." I frowned a little at that. Why had he said least of all me? 

"Deke, can you bandage her arm please? We've still got a long conversation to go."

"Sure thing, Ash." 

He grabbed the first aid kit from the desk beside him and knelt by my side. I started to breathe a little faster as he got close to me. I could feel the heat of his body and his scent made my head spin. His hands on my skin made me shiver and breakout in goosebumps. His hands stilled, his fingers still on my skin as he looked deep into my eyes.

"This might hurt. But don't worry, my sweet lady. I'll be as gentle as I can, and it won't hurt for long."

I swallowed and nodded. He looked back down at his hands on my arm and his fingers caressed my skin slightly. I gave a small sigh at how good it felt and how safe he made me feel. A small smile was on his face as he finished removing the handkerchief. His breath hissed between his teeth and his smile instantly gave way to fury as he took in the damage to my arm. I couldn't help the low painful moan as the pressure from the handkerchief eased. I watched Asher and Jericho quickly come closer to look at my arm too. They each growled low in their chests. It felt like I was in an alternate universe. I mean, these three sexy dangerous men were all crowded around me and angry on my behalf. It was strange to have someone care about what happened to me other than Sasha and Emily.

I looked down at my arm and saw what had them so ready for murder. My upper arm was so purple it was almost black and the cuts from his nails were still bleeding a little even though it's been more than an hour since it happened. I was surprised they went that deep. I sighed. It was going to be a long time before I could wear short sleeves again. 

"That mother fucker!" Jericho was grinding his teeth in anger. 

Asher was silent as he took in the damage. His face hardened and his eyes blazed as his wolf came forward. 

"He's gonna pay for this." His voice was deeper than normal because of his wolf and the sheer danger in his voice made me glad it wasn't me he was pissed at… at least not yet.

But the one man that really made me go wide-eyed was Deacon. He spoke calmly as he gazed at my wounds. 

"I will kill him if you ask it of me and bring you his head."

He looked up into my eyes, his face calm. His poker face was amazing, but I could see the rage and danger brewing in his eyes though. I stared at all three in confusion. 

"Um… that won't be necessary. Thank you for the thought though, Mr. Fisher." I gave Deacon a soft smile. I couldn't help it. I didn't have a clue why but I found his offer so endearing. 

I looked around at all of them. "But… um… not meaning to be rude or anything… but why do you all care so much about it? Nothing's broken and I'll heal eventually. It's gonna take several weeks and I'll have to wear long sleeves but really, it's no big deal. No permanent damage done."

Asher shook his head. "I can't explain why it matters so much. I just know it pisses me and my wolf off to see you hurt." He paused and looked at me closely. "But what do you mean several weeks? You should heal the next time you shift. I'm surprised you haven't healed more than that by now. Unless the damage was even worse than this?"