Chapter 14: Zoey

"Well, this is a surprise. How can I help you, Zoey? Besides letting you admire the view?"

"I… I… um… I just… um…"

My brain had short circuited and all I wanted right then was those sweats to drop, probably followed by my knees. My brain finally came back online as he gave a dark chuckle. 

"Wolf caught your tongue?"

I stuck my tongue out at him. 

"Nope. Still seems to be there. Sorry, I hope I didn't wake you up."

"Nah, I was reading before I went to bed. So, what brings such a beautiful woman to my door?"

I grimaced as a muscle in my arm flexed and cramped. "Pain."

His smile immediately vanished and was replaced with worry and a frown.

"Come on in and I'll take a look and see what I can do to help."

He stepped back and let me into his room. I couldn't tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing. It smelled like him. It was a spicy scent I couldn't place but it felt like home. I gazed around and filed away the things I learned about him. He liked his room to be neat and that he loved to read. Three of his walls were lined with bookcases filled with books. He watched silently as I wandered to the cases to check out the titles. I smiled and gently ran my finger down the spine of one book. 

"Needful Things by Stephen King." I glanced at him. "This is my favorite book. It always reminded me that if something looks too good to be true, then it is and to always look at all the fine print."

"He's a favorite author of mine. But as you can see, I have many favorites. You're welcome to borrow any of them whenever you like."

I gave him a delighted smile and gently slid Needful Things from the shelf. 

"Thanks. I promise to take good care of it. I haven't read it in forever."

"I know you will. Otherwise, I wouldn't have said you could borrow my books. Now, come over here and sit so I can look at your arm."

I walked to the chair he had indicated and sat, setting the book down on the small table next to the chair. There was a book of shifter lore laying open on the table and a cup of coffee. I arched an eyebrow at him. 

"Coffee this late? Won't that keep you up?"

He shook his head. "Nope. It never does. I just like the taste. I see you chose Asher's shirt."

I looked at him startled.

"This is Asher's?"

"Yeah. I'm only half surprised that's the one he left. It's his favorite shirt."

I wasn't sure how to feel about that.

"Well, I hope you guys don't want your shirts back cause I'm keeping them. They're my new favorite sleep clothes and I plan to wear them often."

He gave me a happy smile and gestured to my arm.

"I love that idea and I know Ash and Jer will too. Now, show me where it's hurting."

I rolled the sleeve up and ran my fingers down the muscles of my upper arm, right where most of the bruising was.

"Here. I had to lift my arm to wash my hair and it's been hurting ever since. It was getting worse, and I remembered you saying to come to you if it hurt, so here I am. I'm not sure what you can do about it though."

He brushed his fingers over the bruises, and I shivered at the feel of his fingers on my skin. He gave me a knowing look but didn't say anything. 

"Ok. Let me get more of that ointment. I'm gonna grab some new bandages too. Might as well check the wounds while I'm at it since the current bandage got wet."

"I really appreciate you taking care of me, Deke. Honestly, I would've just dealt with it, but it was keeping me awake and I knew I wouldn't have slept well, which I'm sure you guys would have picked up on. And you would've been upset with me for not coming to you. And I don't want you upset, so I came here."

"You did exactly the right thing. Besides, it's my honor to care for you and really, I enjoy being the one that makes you feel better."

He got up and grabbed a box of bandages, some antibacterial ointment, and that special ointment he had used on my bruises earlier. I gestured to the tub in his hand as he took off the bandage on my cuts.

"So, what all's in that?"

"Ginger powder, coconut oil, shea butter, cayenne powder, and eucalyptus oil. These cuts are still looking good and should heal well."

"Wow… and you made it yourself? That's so cool. And it works amazingly."

I closed my eyes and moaned as his hands and his ointment worked their magic on the bruises and the sore muscles under them. He made a noise in the back of his throat that sounded like a cross of a groan and a growl. I opened my eyes and looked into his eyes. I saw his wolf and so much want and need in his face that it made my breath catch.

"Deke…" I whispered.

He stood and stepped away from me to the other side of the room. He braced against the windowsill with his head hanging down, his hair a curtain around his face. I could see the muscles in his back flex as he breathed heavily. 

"Fuck… Zoey… I… I'm sorry. I just need a minute."

I didn't move and just watched him, my own breathing coming a little faster.

"What's wrong Deke? Did… did I do something wrong?"

He whirled around and came back to kneel in front of me and took one of my hands in his.

"Absolutely not. It's me. I just… I want to hold you and kiss you so much, but I don't want to scare you. You barely know us, and I want you to feel totally comfortable around us."

I fiddled with the hem of the T-shirt with my other hand. I must have been chewing on my lips, a habit I had whenever I was thinking or embarrassed, because his hand tightened on mine.

"Please don't do that. My control only goes so far. If you keep chewing on that luscious lip, I'm not gonna be able to stop myself from kissing you."

I took a deep breath. I knew I wanted these men, but I was never into a casual hookup, or a hookup with strangers. And like Deacon said, I barely knew them. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't come to cause you any… discomfort. My arm feels much better now, and I should probably get back to my room and get some sleep. I've got an early morning if I wanna have breakfast ready in time.

Deacon stood and stepped back, giving me room to stand. 

"I understand, Zoey. Let me know if it starts to hurt again."

He walked me to his door and gave my hand a squeeze as I walked out into the hallway.

"Good night, beautiful lady."

"Good night, Deke."

I felt dazed as he closed his door, and I made my way back to my room. It was going to be hard to keep my hands off these guys once I got to know them. I'd have to just keep reminding myself they were the bosses, and you didn't go around fucking or falling for your bosses.