Chapter 26: Zoey

OH MY FUCKING GOD! I almost dropped the plate of bacon when I turned around and saw Ash, Jer, and Deke standing by the table… all three of them wearing gray sweatpants and sleeveless shirts. Those muscles on display made my mouth water. Fuck. Now I needed to change my panties… again. I heard them growl as they scented my desire. I stuck my tongue out at them, making them grin.

"Dudes…. you should come with a warning label. 'Too hot to handle. Beware of panty drowning. Ogle at your own risk.' Just seriously." I swallowed hard as I set the plate down on the table, my eyes never leaving the bulges I could see through the sweats. I swear they did this shit to me on purpose.

"Oh? And why is that love?"

"Fuck you Jer. You know why. It's those god damned sweatpants. Sweats on hot as fuck guys is like every girl's kryptonite. It's just such a mouthwatering view." I gave them a sly grin. "I know it makes me so wet I'm surprised my panties aren't dripping onto the floor."

"Holy fuck baby. Please." 

"Please what Deke?"

"Please don't make me have to go back upstairs and jerk off again. I'm not sure my cock could take another round right now."

I arched an eyebrow. "Again?"

"Yeah. You have no idea what you do to us. I didn't jerk off this much even when I was a horny teenager. You are just so beautiful, sexy, and goddamn delicious that I have been walking around with a permanent hard-on."

"And you two feel the same way?"

I giggled as Ash and Jer nodded and licked my lips. I watched as their eyes followed the movement of my tongue. 

"So, I'm assuming you don't want to know it's a fantasy of mine to watch you guys stroking your cocks in front of me and watching you come."

"Goddess, help us! You are killing me, my mate." Ash's voice was strangled.

"Oh, I haven't even gotten started yet. I have so many fantasies and all of them naughty. Do you want to know another one?"

"Fuck, I'm not sure we can survive another one, love. But now I gotta hear it or it's gonna drive me nuts wondering."

I gave a heated look and walked closer and ran a fingertip down Jer's chest. "Mmm, how about one morning one of you coming in and throwing me on top of the island and licking me until I am screaming your name before you pull me down, bend me over the table, and fuck me hard. Or there's the one with me tied to the bed and blindfolded, completely at your mercy to pleasure torture me for hours until I am a writhing mess, begging you to fuck me." 

"Fuck fuck fuck. Baby. I can't take anymore. No more hearing fantasies until you are ready for us to make them reality. I'm going crazy to be balls deep inside you."

"Ok Deke. I won't tease you guys anymore. Although… Hmmm…"

"What hmmm?"

I tapped my finger on my lips. "I'll tell you what. Sit and eat before the food gets cold and then I'm not opposed to living out that watching you jerk off fantasy. I did say before that I wanted to see all the goods. It will help take the edge off and who knows, I might even want to take a taste of you too. Because sucking all of you off and seeing how good your cum tastes is another fantasy and I want that one to be reality." 

I gave them all a wink as they gave deep growls, making me gush. I sat to eat, excited to get through breakfast. And judging by how fast they were eating, they were in as big a hurry as I was. I wanted this so much. I wanted to make them all feel good. They had done so much for me but selfishly, I really just wanted THEM. I knew I wasn't quite ready for sex and claiming. With them battling their wolves I knew sex couldn't happen and not have them claim me. But I really wanted to taste them.

The guys were finishing their coffee when Ash's phone rang. He answered and by the look on his face it wasn't good. After hanging up he looked at us. 

"That was Troy. There is trouble at the office." He sighed. "We have to go in guys. I'm sorry Zoey."

I smiled. "It's ok Ash. I can give you guys a rain check until tonight. I hope everything is ok."

"Fuck. Please don't lose that want and trust in us while we're gone, love. I know what you asked was a huge step. I don't want you to second guess yourself and talk yourself out of it." Jer gave me a wink. 

"Oh, don't worry about that Jer. I'm very sure about what I said. If you can give me a heads up on when you think you might be back, I would appreciate it. That way I know when to have dinner ready. I probably will just laze around while you're gone, check out that fantastic library with a cup of coffee."

"That sounds good, love. We have a security team coming later this evening to help set up better security here at home. But they won't be here until after we get back."

Ash nodded. "We should only be gone for a few hours. I hate leaving you here alone, especially with all that happened yesterday."

"I'll be fine Ash. I've taken care of myself for a very long time."

Deke pulled something from behind his back. It was a long knife. "I know you said you had knife skills, so I want you to take this in case something bad happens. And I can't stress this enough baby…DO NOT LET ANYONE IN. We're the only ones with the keycodes to the house so if anyone knocks on the door, don't answer. They don't have permission to be here."

"I understand Deke. I'll be careful. I don't want to be hurt any more than you want to see me hurt. Just go take care of business and then come home to me."

Ash smiled. "Home. I love that you consider this home. And we will always come back to you, sweetheart."

They each gave me a thorough kiss that left me wanting more and then left. I sighed. I was falling in love with them and that scared me. What if they decided they were wrong, and that I wasn't their mate, that I was a freak with no wolf? What if they sent me away? It would devastate me and honestly, I didn't think I would survive it. 

With a shake of my head, I made a fresh cup of coffee and retrieved the book Deke let me borrow and settled into a soft plush chair in the library next to the fire. It was so warm and peaceful that I drifted off to sleep only to be jerked awake by a loud banging on the front door. I looked at the clock and saw it had been about four hours since the guys left and was early afternoon. Another round of loud knocking made my heart race. Silently I got up and crept towards the front door. I looked out the peephole and my breath caught as I saw that asshole douche from the party.

"Let me in you bitch! I know you're in there. I made sure those fucking cocksuckers weren't here. You are MINE! And I've come to take what's mine! You fucking owe me! And I am going to take every bit of it out of your ass. I'm going to fuck you until you break! NOW LET ME IN!"

I panicked and grabbed the knife Deke gave me and ran to his room. I had to get to a phone and my cell phone broke yesterday and I hadn't had the money to replace it yet. I'd seen a landline phone in Deke's room (who has those anymore, I mean, seriously) and with shaking hands dialed Ash's number.

"Zoey? Why are you calling? Are we taking too long? Is everything ok?"

I could hear that guy still hammering on the door and screaming to be let in. 

My voice trembled and I could barely get the words out. "N… no it's not ok. Th… that guy from the party is here banging on the door and screaming. He's crazy! He's trying to break in, and I'm scared, and I just can't… can't…" I had to stop. I was crying too much to keep talking.

"Fuck! We'll be right there! Just hold on, sweetheart. We're coming."

The line went dead as I heard the others' voices in the background wanting to know what was going on. I backed into a corner between Deke's bed and the wall and made myself as small as possible. I hid the knife in my lap, trapping it between my stomach and my thighs, and covered my ears and started rocking. It was too much. So much had happened in the last few days and I just couldn't cope anymore. Tears streamed down my face as I tried to block out the sound of that guy trying to force his way into the house. I could hear something hitting the door and the sound of wood groaning. I knew the door was strong, but it wasn't going to hold forever and then he would have me and hurt me. I heard glass break and my mind shut down and I fell down the rabbit hole of hell that was my memories.