Chapter 32: Jericho

I hated to wash away the scent of my mate on my body, but I couldn't meet the new security team without a shower. And they'd be here soon. Stepping out of the shower and drying off, I thought back over everything that happened today. From our amazing breakfast, to Wilmington breaking into our home, to feeling Zoey's mouth on my aching cock. Our mate was amazing, and I couldn't wait to officially make her ours.

After dressing in a clean pair of jeans and a T-shirt I headed downstairs. Ash and Deke were already there waiting. I grinned as I looked around.

"Anyone check on Zoe? Make sure she's still awake in the shower?" 

Deke nodded. "Yep. She was just getting out when I poked my head in her room and asked if she was ok. She should be down soon."

I stretched my arms over my head and arched my back. 

"Damn, I haven't felt this relaxed in a while."

Deke snorted. "Yeah, coming over and over with your mate will do that."

"We so need to do that again."

"Oh, I wholeheartedly agree, Jer."

Zoey's voice made us all turn toward the stairs, and I stopped breathing. She was a vision in a blue dress that flowed gently over her curves in all the right ways. Her gorgeous legs were on display, and I itched to run my hand up her thigh to see if she had panties on. 

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts before I could get myself going too much. I walked to the door and looked out. It was the security team we were waiting for. I opened the door. 

"Hey Jackson. Thanks for coming out so soon and on such short notice."

He grabbed my outstretched hand and gave me a firm shake as he eyed the door.

"Any time man. I hear you have a new mate?"

I nodded and stepped back to let him in and gestured to Zoey.

"Yep. Meet our mate, Zoey Donovan. Zoey, this is Jackson Daniels. He's the best security tech there is."

He laughed. "I don't know about that, Jericho, but thanks for the vote of confidence." He shook Zoey's hand, and we all held back a growl at another man touching our mate. We knew Jackson wasn't going to poach but it was instinct. "Pleasure to meet you, Zoey."

"The pleasure is all mine."

"So, I hear you are having some problems and need to beef up the security system here?"

She nodded. "Yeah, you could say that." 

She looked at the man behind Jackson. I quickly made introductions.

"Zoey, this is Taylor Jones. He has a special set of skills that will help keep you safe."

"Oh? What kind of skills?"

He grinned. "I disappear."

She raised her eyebrows and I laughed. 

"Let's go sit down and I'll explain. Ash, can you explain the situation to Jackson and Deke can you show him the weak spots in the house?"

They nodded and took Jackson to the kitchen so he could set up his equipment on the island. I grabbed Zoey's hand and lead her and Taylor to the living room. I settled on the couch with her on my lap and my arms around her. I caught the grin on Taylor's face.


"Nothing. Just happy to see you so happy, Jericho. It's been long overdue. And I understand she's mate to all of you? That's not something that's common."

"Yeah, she is. And our Zoey is special. But we have a situation that we need help with."

Quickly I filled him in on the problems we were having with Wilmington, the note, and the break-in earlier.

"What a fucking asshole! He's a spineless twat to prey on a woman like that, and a complete dipshit for daring to go against you guys. Pardon my French, ma'am."

"Oh, fuck off with the ma'am. I'm not that old."

Taylor laughed. "You've got spunk. I like her, Jericho."

"Good. I need you to keep her safe."

"What do you need me to do?"

I tightened my grip on my mate. 

"We can't keep her locked up in the house forever and I wouldn't want to. But he's obviously having us followed and watched. I need you to do the same."

"Ah, I get it. You want me to follow and keep an eye on Zoey and see if I can spot who else is watching?"


Zoey looked thoughtful. "So, I'd be able to go out again?"

"Exactly, love. And I wanted you to meet Taylor so that if, and that's a big if as he is excellent at what he does, you saw him following you that you wouldn't panic."

"How long have you been doing this Taylor? Like, following people?"

Taylor grinned at her. "Oh, about twenty years or so."

Zoey's eyebrows raised and she gave a low whistle. 

"Damn. Now I see why you said you disappear." Her eyes narrowed. "How old are you, Taylor?"

"How old do you think?"

"Hmm… I would say maybe thirty-two, thirty-three?"

I chucked as Taylor let loose a full-blown belly laugh. 

"I'm fifty-six, darling."

"Holy shit! Really? Damn you look good for your age, old man."

"Sassy youngster." He snickered. "But don't worry, darling. I promise to keep you safe. I won't let anything happen to you and I'll do everything I can to find out who's watching you for that dickless fuckwad."

Zoey nodded and kept chatting with Taylor while I checked in with Ash.

"Everything going good on your end guys?"

"Yep. Jackson was quick to understand the situation and he and Deke are figuring out how to better fortify the house."

"Yeah, we definitely don't want a repeat of earlier today. I'm not sure how Zoey would handle it and I hate the fact that asshole was in our house. I still can't believe I lost him."

"It's ok Jer. It was a situation we weren't expecting yet. But the fact he moved so quickly worries me. Their company hasn't even closed down yet, and he's already trying to get to her. I honestly think he really is insane. And it pisses me off that his father has just kept him free. He has to be, especially if he had anything to do with Deena's attack."

"I agree. I just want to do everything we can to make her safe without her feeling like a prisoner. She deserves the chance to go out shopping and spending time with her friend without being afraid or being constantly watched."

"We'll get him wrapped up quickly. Our girl deserves to be free to go where she wants, when she wants."

I broke off as Ash, Deke, and Jackson came into the living room. 

"Everything set?"

Jackson nodded. "Yep. I'm gonna be doing some work here tonight setting up some cameras to monitor all the entrances. Also, I've ordered polycarbonate panels for all the windows in the house. That stuff will withstand a bomb going off. This house is too pretty for bars on the windows and Asher said to spare no expense. With the polycarbonate windows no one is coming through those no matter what they try. Hell, the wall will collapse before those windows break. And your exterior doors are all reinforced steel, so I don't need to do anything with those."

Zoey looked surprised. "They are?"

He nodded. "Yep. Reinforced steel with wood outer shells. We installed them a few years ago when another pack's Alpha was making threats against Asher. He knew he couldn't beat Asher in an Alpha challenge, so he was planning on trying to assassinate him. Unfortunately for that Alpha, Asher has the best security team around. Not to mention the world's top assassin as a best friend."

Shit! I forgot to tell them not to mention Deke's past. Fuck! I looked at Zoey as fear, worry, and apprehension rocked through our bond, most of it from Deke. Zoey looked confused and looked at me. 

"Assassin?" She gave a slow blink. "We will be needing to have a talk, Jer. Soon."

I nodded. "I understand, love. We'll all talk once Taylor and Jackson are done."

Jackson looked upset. "Fuck. Was I not supposed to mention that?"

"It's ok Jackson. We just hadn't talked about that yet."

"Well shit. I put my foot in it then. But um, I'm pretty much done with you guys. I just have equipment to set up. I'm… uh… I'm gonna go get started on that."

Jackson made a quick exit. I looked at Taylor as he stood.

"I should be off, too. I need to scope out the neighborhood and find the best place to settle in to watch the house."

Ash nodded.

"If you need anything from us just let us know. Like I told Jackson, I will spend whatever we have to to keep our mate safe."

Taylor nodded and shook our hands. "It was a pleasure meeting you, ma'am. I mean Zoey."

With a final wink he left. We were all silent. Finally, Zoey looked around at us. 

"We need to talk. Sit. Now."