Chapter 52: Zoey

I saw Ash's eyes glow bright gold as his snarl of rage filled the room, his wolf barely under control. Glancing at Deke and Jer showed the same rage and hate. I heard more growls coming from the crowd that had gathered around us. So many of the people had hate and disgust showing in their eyes as they glared at the woman in front of us. She looked around and started to look confused. I guess she figured people were gonna back her up and she was beginning to understand they didn't have her back like she thought they would. Several people in the crowd all started to talk at once.

"You dare say those horrible things about our Beta and Gamma? Let alone our Alpha? You're crazy!"

"You sad pathetic female."

"You're delusional. They would never want you. Why would they? You're awful."

"Our future Luna is ten times the female you could ever be."

"To think I called you my friend. I had no idea you were so desperate to gain power that you would try to break up a true Goddess chosen mating. Don't ever speak to me again."

"What a hateful bitch!"

It seemed I had made quite an impression with the pack since I moved in with Ash, Jer, and Deke. But my main worry was how Deke was taking all this. He still hadn't moved or said anything. He just stood and glared. I stepped away from Jer and Ash and walked past the woman and went to his side. I touched his arm, and he snatched me to him and pressed me to his chest, his eyes never leaving her. One of his hands settled on my lower back, wrapping around my waist, and the other cupped my head as he snuggled me close. I put my arms around his waist and held him tight. I felt the barely contained violence in his body as every muscle was pulled tight, his body practically vibrating under my hands. His voice rumbled under my ear as I laid my head on his wide chest. I could hear how fast his heart was racing. 

"Erica. I don't know what your game is, but it's done. It was done eight years ago when you insulted me and rejected my advances. Your words and actions that day ended any hope you never had of getting Asher or Jericho's attention, let alone getting into their beds. They would NEVER fuck anyone as cruel and loathsome as you. Our mate satisfies us in a way you could never even hope to understand. She means so much more to us than simple pleasure. 

Do not speak to my mate again. Ever. Or I will not be held responsible for my actions. You have no idea what I'm capable of. Trust me when I say death would be a blessing."

"Leave. Leave Silver Falls. Tonight. And never fucking come back."

Erica gasped as Jericho's voice rang out.

"You don't have the power to decide that. You don't have the authority to make me do that."

"Yes, as my Beta, he does. And even if he didn't, I do. And I agree with him. Leave Silver Falls. I will not stand for anyone trying to sow this level of discord within our pack, whether it concerned my mate or not. As Alpha I hereby sever your bonds and cast you out of Silver Moon pack. You are no longer a member of this pack, and you are not welcome here."

Ash's voice was clear and carried through the whole room. I saw her wince and rub her chest as the pack bond broke. She looked a little dazed and panicked. 

"No…" her voice was barely a whisper.

"As my right as Alpha of Silver Moon pack, I declare you, Erica Stevens, to be rogue. You have until dawn to be gone from all Silver Moon pack lands, never to return. Should you be seen on our lands again, your life will be forfeit, in the most painful way possible. And any that aid you in your return will suffer and share your fate."

No one said a word in her defense about her banishment, and it finally registered with her the consequences of her actions.

"Please, Alpha! Please, don't make me leave. I'm sorry for what I said. I won't do anything like it again. I never meant to insult you or Jericho. Please."

"Don't you dare call me by name, you fucking cunt." Jer's words were barely understandable as his voice was pitched in a deep growl.

"It's too late for that." Ash's voice was cold. "You attempted to destroy the trust our mate has in us. By doing that you betrayed this pack. I suggest you run. Time is ticking and the enforcers are watching."

She gave a horrified look at a group of men and women on her right side who were watching her closely. She started to leave and paused as she started to push her way past me and Deke, stopping when she was next to me. She looked at me with pure hate in her eyes.

"You loathsome bitch. This is MY pack, not yours. You're just a worthless outsider and if you think this is over you are sadly mistaken. You're gonna pay for this!"

She started to shove past me when I heard a voice that I knew well sound out over the crowd.

"Deacon, I would stop that woman from leaving if I were you."

Deke grabbed her arm and stopped her from walking past. She jerked her arm away from him and backed away from us to where she had been standing before.

"Don't touch me you pervert."

I growled at her and bared my teeth. I started towards her, but Deke held me tight, his arms wrapping around my waist and holding my back against his chest. I stilled as both Taylor and Jackson stepped through the circle of enforcers that had formed around Erica to keep her from leaving. Taylor looked over at me.

"I'm glad to see you're all healed, Zoey."

"Thanks Taylor. It's good to see you and Jackson again."

Ash cleared his throat.

"What's this about Taylor? I'm surprised to find you here."

"Me too, Asher. But we had a lead we were following, and it brought us here. SHE brought us here."

Ash looked confused.

"A lead? A lead on what?"