Chapter 68: Zoey

"Do you like that?"

"Fuck yes. I never thought I would, but it feels so fucking good. Don't stop, love. Please don't stop."

"Remember your safe word, Jericho. From now on unless I say so, stop won't work. Got it?"


"Good. I'm going to make you come so hard for me."

I grinned and slid one hand under the bench and started to stroke his cock. He moaned and it turned into a shout as I licked over his hole again. I stroked in time with my licks, and he was shuddering and bucking against the bench, chasing his pleasure as he fucked my hand.

"Oh please oh please oh please. Make me come. Please please make me come. Let me come. Please please please."

He was begging and almost sobbing as I took his pleasure higher and higher with harder, faster strokes and harder, faster licks. I pushed my tongue partway into his ass and he came hard with a scream so loud that it made my ears ring before he passed out cold.

I stood and licked his cum from my hand as I turned and looked at Ash and Deke. They stared at me with wide eyes.

"Holy fuck, baby. That was the hottest fucking thing I've ever seen."

"Where did you learn to do that sweetheart? Wait… let me guess… porn?"

"Yep. First time I've ever done it, but I'm satisfied with the results. I promised him pleasure until he passed out."

Ash choked. "I think you delivered that in spades, sweetheart."

"Just so you know, baby, when it's my turn for you to play, be rough with me. I mean very rough. I've never asked anyone for this, but I want you to make it hurt. I trust you with everything, baby, and I feel safe in asking you to do this for me."

I walked over and grabbed his hair and yanked him down for a bruising kiss. I made sure to pull his hair hard and when he moaned, I pulled back and bit his lower lip hard enough to draw blood. He looked at me with glazed eyes as I licked his blood away from my lip.

"Oh, I will do anything you want me to. I don't have much experience with giving pain so you will need to guide me some to what your limits are Deke and what you like."

"I can do that, baby. Oh, I can definitely do that. But I want to go last today. You played with Jericho and you're gonna play with me. But I think Ash would prefer to play with you."

"You got that one right, Deke."

I shivered at the lust in Ash's face. I knew he was going to make me feel so good.

"Help her get on the swing."

Deke took my hand and led me to the corner and helped me get settled into the sex swing. It was surprisingly comfortable. I watched as Ash brought over a chair and when he sat down my pussy was level with his face. He leaned forward and I heard him inhale deeply, his mouth so close I could feel his breath.

"You smell so delicious, my mate. And I know you taste even better. I'm going to devour you. I'm gonna lick you until you come screaming on my face."

My body tightened and I moaned. This man was going to destroy me, and I couldn't fucking wait. He grabbed me by my hips and pulled me that last inch to his mouth and I bowed up as his tongue licked me from my opening to my clit.

"Oh Goddess! That feels…. I…. oh god Ash!"

"You taste so good Zoey. So sweet and so delicious. It drives me crazy knowing I'm the first to ever taste you this way. But you don't get to come until I tell you to, sweetheart. If you do, I won't fuck you today and you'll be left wishing for my cock."

He buried his face back between my legs and his tongue felt so silky as he glided it up and down my pussy. He thrust it into me, and my hips bucked. But it was when he started to suck on my clit that I really started to writhe. The swing was moving, and it moved my clit against his lips. I started begging as he pushed three fingers inside me and started to fuck me with them and sucking my clit hard.

"God… please, Ash. Let me come. I need to come. Please, my mate. Let me come."

He growled and the vibrations just took me even higher. I was hanging on by a thread but damn it, I wanted his cock inside me. So so bad. 

"Come for me, sweetheart." 

He curled his fingers and rubbed over my G-spot and my body jerked and spasmed as I came so hard that I actually squirted as I screamed his name. He moaned and started to lick me in a frenzy, drinking everything I gave him as I came again.

"Fuck! You're amazing, Zoey. But I need to be inside you. I need you coming on my cock. I'm gonna fuck you so hard."

He stood and lined his cock up with my opening. Holding my hips and using the momentum of the swing, he slammed me onto his cock in one hard stroke. It burned as I stretched but it felt so damn good, and I couldn't hold back a scream as he pulled me up and down his cock hard. He was using me like his personal fuck doll, and I didn't mind one bit. I felt his balls slap my ass as he slammed into me. His teeth were bared.

"Mine. My mate. Mine to fuck. Mine. Mine. Mine."

Each word was punctuated by a fierce thrust that had my eyes rolling back into my head. Holy shit! I didn't know sex could feel this good. I whined as he slowed and came to a stop with me resting against his hips, his cock buried deep inside me. He held out a hand to Deke.

"Nipple clamps. Give me the set with the pussy clamp."

I heard a jingle as Deke handed Ash the clamp set he'd asked for. He put a clamp on each of my nipples and I arched and moaned at how good that sting of pain felt. When he put that third clamp on my clit my body bucked, and I started to fuck myself on his cock until his hands stopped me from moving.