Chapter 75: Zoey

He gave a nod and rolled as I lifted off his hips and moved towards where Jer was sitting. He looked at me curiously.

"What's up, love?"

"Just a demonstration, Jer. You didn't look like you understood. But Ash does."

"Yes, I do, sweetheart. I've never felt it, but I've done it." He looked thoughtful. "Depending on how Deke survives this, I might just be persuaded to let you do it to me."

"Mmm that sounds delicious, my Alpha."

His eyes dilated and he swallowed hard. "Fuck. You drive me crazy, sweetheart."

I winked. "That's the point. Now just imagine yourself in Deke's position as I call you Alpha."

Ash took a shuddering breath. "I see now why Deke was more than willing to surrender himself to you. I think I want to do that sometime soon and see how well you can control and tease my Alpha nature." 

"Deal. I take it as a challenge to break your self-control, my sexy mate."

Jer cleared his throat. "About that demonstration, love."

I looked at Jer. "Are you sure you're ready for this?"

"How bad can it be?"

Deke gave a dark chuckle. "You have no idea, Jer. But you will."

I smiled and reached out and lightly grazed my hand down Jer's chest. Goosebumps broke out over his skin. 

"Hold very still, Jer. Grip the seat of the chair and don't move."

His eyes were wide as he obeyed. I very softly kissed my way down his chest, pausing to barely lick over his nipples, just enough to feel but not enough to fully satisfy. I could feel the tension as he strained to do what I asked and keep still. My touch with my tongue was featherlight as I traced the grooves of his abs and his muscles clenched. I dipped my tongue into his belly button, but it was when my tongue barely touched his skin as I traced the waistband of his sweats that his control broke. He grabbed my hair and pulled my head up and slammed his lips to mine. I opened my mouth and his tongue surged inside to dominate my mouth.

I pulled back and he sat in the chair panting, his cock tenting his sweats.

"Fucking hell. I understand now. That was fucking torture. Kudos to you, Deke, for your iron fucking control."

Deke smirked. "Lightweight. You gotta have better control than that. She was just barely getting started with you."

"Fuck you man."

"Nah, I'll leave that to our mate."

I snickered. "And that's all you get right now, Jer. It's Deke's turn."

He groaned. "That's pure evil, love."

Ash laughed. "Maybe next time don't ask if you don't want to know the answer."

"Fuck you, Ash. I didn't ask."

"Your face did."

"Are you boys gonna keep bickering or are you gonna enjoy the show?"

"Enjoy the show." I smirked as they both answered at the same time.

"Then hush and let me work my magic. Back into position Deke."

He rolled back over and grabbed the headboard. I settled back into place and took a moment to just admire his broad muscular back.

"I know how intense I want this to get Deke, so I'm gonna ask you for the same thing I asked Jer. What's your safe word, Deacon?"

His breath caught on a moan. "I've never had to give a safe word before. But I know the perfect one."

"What's that?"


The humor was thick in his voice, and I giggled.

"That's perfect. So, if it gets more than you want to handle, give me your safe word."


I trailed my fingers down his spine again, just as lightly as last time as I eased my way back down his body. I knelt between his legs.

"Spread your legs wider for me Deke."

He moved his legs, and I laid down behind him. I leaned my head down and started to lightly lick, kiss, and nibble on his ass and the backs of his thighs. I slowly made my way to my goal… his balls. He gasped and moaned and twisted his hips as my lips grazed his sack.

"Please please please…" He started to whisper the one word over and over.

The tip of my tongue trailed over the seam on his sack and up towards his asshole. I gently stroked my tongue over the sensitive skin, and he shuddered as I gave him small light licks. His hips bucked with his effort to push my tongue harder against his skin. He was making small whimpering sounds, something so at odds with a man of his size and strength. I wanted him to come, and I knew just what to do.

I knelt back up between his legs and leaned forward and placed both hands lightly on his shoulders. His hips were twisting, and his knuckles were white with how hard he was gripping the headboard. Suddenly I bore down and raked my nails hard down his back. His back arched and he threw his head back and cried out as he came. 

I looked down in satisfaction at the deep red groves I left on his back. 

"Take a picture, Ash. With his shifter healing it won't look that good for long."

Ash grinned and snapped a pic of the marks on Deke's back for me.

"Mmm you are such a good boy, Deke. You held on just like you were told. I think you deserve a reward for being such a good boy. Let go of the headboard and roll over, mate."

He did as he was told and when he faced me his eyes were wild and glowing. I straddled his hips, his hard cock pressing against my pussy. I shifted my hips, smearing my wetness all over his cock. His breathing was ragged as he watched me.

"Now slide down the bed some, Deke. I want to ride your face and reward you by coming on your tongue."

"Oh fuck yeah, baby. Please drown me in your cum. I want to taste you."

He slid down and I crawled up his body until I was straddling his head. I slowly lowered myself down and when I was close, he grabbed my hips and yanked me down against his mouth. I cried out as his tongue flicked over my clit before sinking into me. He growled as he tasted me and felt my walls clenching his tongue. Before I could think, he was licking and sucking like he was starving and I was his only meal. It was loud and messy, and I loved it. 

My hips started moving and I started to ride his face as he fucked me with his tongue. He nipped at my clit, and it sent me over the edge. He eagerly opened his mouth as I squirted in his face. He hummed as he licked me clean. 

"You taste so damn good, baby."

"Did you enjoy your reward?"

"Damn skippy. Did you enjoy being in control?"

"More than I thought possible. Thank you for letting me be in control, Deke."

I moved and laid down beside him and gestured for Ash and Jer to join us.

"Any time you want, baby. I'm all yours whenever you want, however you want."

I glanced over at Jer. 

"You doing ok over there, Jer?"

He blushed and I laughed at the sheepish expression on his face.

"Why the blush?"

He cleared his throat. "I may or may not have come while you played with Deke."

Ash and Deke chuckled.

"Yeah, that tends to happen around our mate. I don't think that's ever going to change."

"True that, Ash."

I giggled. "Well, I think it's time we all tried to sleep. Thank you, Deke. Being with you chased away all the nightmares."

He gave me a soft kiss and pulled me close to his side. I felt him breathe my scent in deep. 

"Anything for you baby. I'm happy I could erase the pain and replace it with pleasure."

"Good night my mates."

I knew now that I had my wolf my life had changed, and I couldn't wait to live the rest of my life with my mates. I wondered what powers the prophecy was talking about. I slowly slipped into a deep sleep, cradled in the arms of my mates. Tomorrow I would start putting my past behind me. 

(Story will continue in Book 2: Luna's Revenge. Book 2 still in progress)