Chapter 60: There is another good news

Lann was extremely pleasantly surprised. This was not as simple as good news! Others might not know it, but Lann understood what Tomas Moreau's laboratory meant.


There is the secret of the witcher's second mutation! Not to mention that the mage-scientist's laboratory itself is a treasure. It may contain the Source of magic that Lann desires, or other precious materials, drawings, magic equipment, etc.


Seeing Lann's obviously excited expression, Mousesack couldn't help but laugh. "There's second good news."


"I received news about the magical item purchases I managed for you. I have a witch friend who is interested in selling some things. I made an agreement with her, and she will come to Cintra in a few days."


"She?" Lann noticed Mousesack's choice of words.


Mousesack nodded. "She is the royal advisor to King Foltest of Temeria. We druids rarely make friends with mages, but she is a good person. You should be able to like each other."


Lann nodded and began to search in his mind for the sorceresses in the original novel who had a better relationship with Mousesack.


Looking at Lann's thoughtful expression, Mousesack might have misunderstood something. He patted his shoulder to attract attention and seriously warned: "Lann, I know you want to explore Tomas Moreau's laboratory, but I want to tell you that any relic left by a wizard is a very dangerous place."


"And I am unable to follow you because of the recent war. I won't open the portal to Toussaint for you until I think you're fully prepared."


Without Mousesack telling him, Lann knew about how dangerous the ruins of Tomas Moreau's laboratory were. Aside from the Drowners and other beings around the ruins, the laboratory probably housed guardians such as golems, gargoyles, and other magical beings. And, of course, there would be no shortage of traditional traps.


To go there hastily like this is to seek death.


While Lann was thinking, the two of them had arrived at their destination.


"Go in." Mousesack said. "The Queen and the King are waiting for you."


The two guards opened the door, Lann adjusted his clothes and strode in.


Calanthe and her husband were sitting in the living room chatting. Seeing Lann come in, a waiter brought him a seat and a wine glass without any instructions from the two.


"Aunt, uncle." Lann saluted the two people in front of him.


He was very familiar with Queen Calanthe, but he was not very familiar with Calanthe's husband, his nominal uncle. It's not that His Majesty the King has anything against Lann. On the contrary, being a stranger, the King had a generous and delicate nature towards the younger ones.


In his childhood, Lann, or rather the former Lann, got along very well with the King. It's just that during the year Lann transmigrated to this world, the King frequently traveled to and from the Skellige Islands, so he rarely met with him.


"Long time no see, uncle."


"Hahaha." King Eist Tuirseach laughed boldly. "How long has it been? I didn't expect that I could hear your poems being sung at the dock, little lion."


Lann showed a shy and reserved smile that befitted a junior and looked up at the man with a dark face and a hooked nose next to Calanthe.


Eist Tuirseach, he was more like a sailor than a king. Eist 's life is quite legendary. He was originally the king of Skellige Islands. But when he discovered that his brother Bran Tuirseach had talents far beyond his own, he gave the throne to Bran.


Something must be said here about the peculiar political environment of Skellige. Skellige, commonly known as the Skellige Islands, is an archipelago and one of the Northern Kingdoms. The group of six islands is situated in the Great Sea, off the coast of Cintra and southwest of Cidaris and Verden. Skellige is famous for the incomparable privateers and the fast ships that sail many seas.


Its people are united under the King of the Skellige Isles, who rules all the islands, and his people live mainly by fishing, hunting, trade and armed maritime plunder.


This way of life instilled a romantic and free blood in the people of Skellige. A Skellige fisherman and a feudal lord would have almost the same rights. Conflicts between the upper and lower classes are also relatively mild.


Furthermore, the throne of the Skellige Islands is not traditionally hereditary. The King is elected by the jarls of the seven largest families distributed in the six large islands in a traditional electoral meeting. The king usually comes from the most powerful house or has some family relationship with it.


When the romantic sailor Eist Tuirseach, with the blood of the sea in his veins, abdicated his throne in favor of his brother Bran, he once again wandered between sea and continent. Trying to add his own name to those widely circulated poems.


Not long after the death of King Roegner of Ebbing, Queen Calanthe's husband, Eist had begun visiting the royal castle in Cintra. They developed deep feelings for one another and made promises which etched themselves deeply in Tuirseach's memory. Nevertheless, the Queen refused Eist's proposals three times.


After that, Eist, joined by skald Draig Bon-Dhu and druid Mousesack, accompanied young Crach on a voyage to Cintra, where a feast was held to celebrate Princess Pavetta's coming of age. The chief aim of the islanders was to ensure Crach's wedding with Queen Calanthe's daughter and heiress, thereby allying Skellige with Cintra.


As the banquet was in full swing, the feast was disrupted by a knight who introduced himself as Duny. He claimed Pavetta was his reward through the Law of Surprise for saving King Roegner fifteen years ago. After it was revealed that he had a hedgehog-like head, Calanthe asked her daughter if she wanted to leave with such a beast, assuming she'd say no, but the Princess answered yes. This outraged the guests, and a fight broke out. Eist, acknowledging that Duny was right, grabbed a chair and fought beside him. All the commotion upset Pavetta, causing the Power to burst from her, sending furniture and suitors flying.


Amidst it all, the throne with Calanthe flew and smashed against the opposite wall, knocking her unconscious. Eist cried out her name and, barely on his feet, leaped to the Queen to protect her. During the chaos, Eist, who had once more declared his love to Calanthe, proposed to her, to which she responded "Yes, Eist, I accept", moved by his proposal.


It is important to note that although Eist was a sailor seasoned by the wind and sun, his dark skin did not diminish his attractiveness. He was cultured, elegant and especially skilled in the art of heroic rescue.


Thus concluded the legend of the maritime knight, Eist Tuirseach. And King Eist Tuirseach of Cintra ascended the throne.


He became king for the second time, but not for power or glory. He was immortalized in another type of poetry, not as a hero, but as a sign of true love.


Due to the marriage between Queen Calanthe and Eist Tuirseach of Skellige, the Skellige Islands became allies of Cintra ever since, although their relations with most of the North were always strained, to say the least.


Ciri often went to Skellige for vacations during her childhood. In The Witcher Series, after the destruction of Cintra, the Skellige Islands often launched raids against the southern coastal areas of the Nilfgaardian Empire in an act of revenge.


"Welcome back, Lann, it's all thanks to you this time." Calanthe drank the wine in one gulp, and the attendants behind her hurriedly came up to refill it.


Her Majesty the Queen was really frightened this time. After her daughter died, Ciri was her only relative. When Mousesack reported that Ciri was almost converted into a dryad, she almost put on her armor and went to order the soldiers.


Although she was already at war against Nilfgaard and had hostile relations with Verden, she did not hesitate.


"This could have been avoided, auntie. You know what I mean." Lann said.




Calanthe slammed the table. But looking at Lann's stubborn green eyes that were exactly the same as his father's, the anger in his heart began to dissipate.


King Eist smoothed things over and said: "Tell me what happened. Although Mousesack has already reported it, we feel that it will be more complete for you to tell it, Lann."


Lann nodded and told Calanthe about his experience in Brokilon Forest during this period. From annihilating Verden soldiers outside the forest, to traveling in the oak land, to killing griffins with Geralt, and finally negotiating a peace agreement with the dryads.


Calanthe frowned: "Mousesack told me about the witcher, why did you bring him back? You should keep him away from the palace!"


Lann replied: "It just so happens that he also wants to stay away from the palace, so now you can rest assured."


Calanthe raised his eyebrows.


Eist came over again to smooth things over: "Lann, in addition to coming to you today to understand the situation, your aunt and I also want to talk to you about rewards. What do you want?"




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