Chapter 89: The Emergence of the Elder Blood

The dark golden lion eyes made Jerome stunned. Unexpectedly, the mutation of the witcher he had drastically transformed would lead to such a unique pair of eyes.

But this is a trivial matter. Witchers can produce any strange physical characteristics through mutation. Although eyes of this shape and color have never appeared, they are not unacceptable.

Lann also saw Jerome. He pondered for a while and quickly understood the situation. "If I am right, you should have saved me. I am Lann of Cintra, Lann Lannister. I am very grateful."

Jerome shook his head. "You saved me too. No need to thank. Since you appeared in Tomas Moreau's laboratory, you should have heard my name. I am Jerome Moreau. Thank you for freeing me from the clutches of that beast."

After saying this, Jerome hesitated for a moment and continued: "But as you can see, you are now a witcher like me."

Jerome briefly explained the situation in the laboratory to Lann, who showed understanding and gratitude once again. He also expressed his respect for witchers in general.

"If this were not the case, I would not come to explore this laboratory."

A relieved smile appeared on Jerome's face. His biggest worry was that Lann would reject his identity as a witcher after waking up, but now he felt much calmer.

He then expressed his concern: "Your transformation had some setbacks. I even thought that the mutation had failed."

"Although there seems to be no problem for now, it would be better to do a check-up. First, try to feel for yourself if you feel there is something wrong, and then I will conduct a detailed analysis using the experimental equipment."

Lann nodded and closed his eyes to feel his body, his mind already immersed in the system panel. She then began to carefully review the panel changes.

The most important thing was that the Elder Blood suffix had changed to (Partial Awakening).

Seeing the dazzling set of skills, Lann had a guess in his mind, and his thoughts instantly focused on the skills tab.

First, Lann noticed that all the ability branches were unlocked.

In the [Combat] branch I could now use skills that required the use of adrenaline. The [Signs] branch allowed the use of basic signs, as well as their improved variants. The [Alchemy] branch now allowed Lann to use mutagens from the corpses of powerful monsters to gain new abilities. As for the [General] branch, the skill [Griffin School Techniques] had been automatically unlocked.

[Griffin School Techniques]: Each piece of medium armor increases Sign intensity by 5% and Stamina regeneration by 5%.

Compared to purely plate armor, the Gryphon School's medium-sized armor could be more flexible to adapt to a variety of battle environments, such as slaying dragons.

After these basic skills, Lann also found that the skill bar had two new interfaces.

One of them was labeled [Second Mutation].

There are twelve mutations in total, each mutation is an extension of the three main skill branches, significantly increasing the warlock's power limit.

However, to unlock these mutations one will need to use ability points but, unlike abilities, these will also require red, blue and/or green mutagens. Additionally, these mutations are configured in a 3 Tier style. This means that certain mutations will have to be unlocked to unlock a connected one. Fortunately, the mutations did not need to be improved; Once unlocked, they could deploy all their effects, and their power was worth the cost.

However, when Lann focused on one of the panel's mutations, an additional option appeared. Because he did not possess the mutagens required to perform the mutations, he had the option of replacing them with a large amount of ability points.

Among these mutations, surprisingly, all three of the tier one mutations were unlocked.

[Magic Sensibilities (Blue)]: Signs can deal critical hits. Their critical hit chance and damage increase with Sign Intensity. Opponents killed by critical hits from Signs explode.

[Toxic Blood (Green)]: Each time you are injured in melee combat, the attacking opponent receives damage in the amount of 3% damage dealt for every point of your Toxicity level.

[Deadly Counter (Red)]: Sword attacks deal 25% more damage to human opponents immune to counterattacks and monsters. In all other cases, if the attacker's Vitality is less than 25%, a counterattack immediately triggers a finisher.

What surprised Lann the most was the opening of a mutation category that had never been seen in the game: [Elder Blood].

But on this page, only one mutation was turned on, leaving the rest sealed, the kind that couldn't be improved even if you wanted to.

And the only effect of the [Elder Blood] mutation that had been awakened was also very forceful.

[Magic Tide]: The total magic value is increased by 100%, and the level of all magic-related skills is +1 after acquisition.

The effect of this mutation was simple but powerful. If, in addition, the effects of '+1' were still effective after reaching the maximum level of magical skills, this would mean that with this mutation it would break the limit of other skills.

And if in the future Lann learned magic himself thanks to his magical talent, this ability could still be useful.

The only drawback is that Elder Blood's time and space travel abilities have not appeared yet. Lann feels that his bloodline is not developed enough. Even Ciri, the prophesied savior in The Witcher Series, didn't initially show off her spacetime-related abilities until several years after awakening her bloodline, so there's no rush.

However, even if magic power is only the most basic special effect of Elder Blood, it exceeds any known magic type talent. It was a huge and overwhelming amount of pure power, with the largest mana reserve and the greatest magical force.

Lann estimates that her talent in magic is now as good as that of the so-called 'Source' and may even surpass them.

If he was truly willing to dedicate fifty years of intensive study and thirty years of magical practice, perhaps he could replicate the feat of Vilgefortz, who entered the highest institution of magicians at the age of one hundred, and then, in a few hundred years, could have similar achievements to Alzur.

At this moment, Lann felt filled with determination and strength.

Furthermore, the system had also released two additional functions: an inventory and a follower system.

[Follower: (Empty)]: An ability point opens a slot for a follower. Spend experience to hire a level (1) follower. The experience decreases depending on the loyalty of the follower. Followers can provide 20% of their experience and share some skills.

Finally, there was the inventory. Lann touched a stone and then disappeared, appearing in the inventory with the label: [Stone].

Very well, there was no way one would dare to call themselves a transmigrant without a storage space. Now everything was complete.

Jerome, who had been watching, was surprised by Lann's actions with the storage space, and asked hesitantly: "Are you... okay?"

Lann took the stone out of his inventory and tossed it into the air before responding with a smile: "I've never felt better."

Closing his eyes to feel the energy flowing within him, Lann was about to take a test when a sense of loss suddenly overcame him. He had the feeling that something was missing.

"Black Wind... where is my horse? Have you seen a horse in the laboratory?"

Jelon looked down, his expression of joy at finding an heir fading.

A feeling of unease came over Lann.

Lann followed Jerome back to the underground laboratory and saw a specially designed culture tank. A large horse lay inside.

The black fur it used to have was now dull and dark, covered in clotted black blood; The unknown culture liquid inside the tank was dyed red. Despite that, the body was still dripping blood constantly.

Every inch of its body's skin is pricked with pinholes. It's hard to tell whether it has more blood or medicine in its body now.

But the most shocking thing was his limbs, which were lying at the bottom of the tank like noodles, with bones broken in several places, and it was even difficult to tell if there were still bones inside his legs. Only his head floated on the surface of the water, with his nostrils flaring from time to time, the only part of his body that moved.

Seeing the current state of his old friend, Lann felt a knot in his chest. He walked forward and suddenly stood in front of the culture tank. He extended his hand to stroke the horse's mane as usual, but he stopped, afraid of encountering something he could not accept.

Lann suddenly glanced at the introduction of the follower column again: Spend experience points to contract a follower with level (1).

If every time the follower leveled up, he healed all of his wounds, then...

Jerome spoke with a hint of sadness. "It's been six months since I put him here. Since then, he hasn't seen or heard anything or moved."

"Although he still has basic vital signs, I feel that he has been filled with those substances until he becomes a specimen, and I don't know if he still has consciousness..."

Jerome suddenly stopped speaking in disbelief, feeling that he had seen too many incredible things today.

In front of Lann's hand, which had stopped in the air, Black Wind, who had been still for six months in the cultivation tank, suddenly extended his neck...

...and placed his forehead on Lann's palm.

[Follower, Contract.]

Lann's experience decreased slightly.

In an instant, a new row of attribute columns appeared in the system:

[Follower: Black Wind

Gender: Male

Race: Witcher (Horse)

Level: 1

Talent: None

Experience value: 0/1000

Health: 1500/1500

Mana: 100/100

Skills: Strength, War Fury, Griffin School Techniques.]

After the attribute bar indicating the success of the contracted follower appeared, the system sent a series of prompts one after another.

[Failure to share the follower's talent.]

[Sharing follower skills.]

[Ability Acquisition: Griffin School Techniques.]

[This ability already exists]

[Ability Point +1]

Lann raised an eyebrow, understanding how the follower system worked. Apparently, he prioritized sharing talents, and if that failed, he would select a skill at random. If it turned out to be one he already possessed, then he gained an ability point.

Very well, under the circumstances of assigning one follower per ability point, there was no way to lose.

While Lann was thinking, Black Wind also stretched its legs and stood up from the culture tank. A large amount of culture fluid was expelled by its body, and it was like a small waterfall for a while. His body, weak from months of inactivity, seemed to swell with dark, rock-solid muscles.

Black Wind's huge amber eyes reflected Lann's face, and the pupils that should have belonged to a beast now showed warmth.

By hiring Black Wind, Lann regained the ability point, and by this point, Lann already had a plan. Although all the system's abilities were now unlocked, that did not stop Lann from having the idea of acquiring a specific ability.

Lann began operating the system and without delay added the ability points. He then unlocked the [Undying] ability.

[Undying]: When Vitality reaches 0, Adrenaline Points will immediately be consumed to restore it. The amount restored is based on the number of Adrenaline Points used. Adrenaline Point gain: +1% (1/5)

Before Lann could savor the changes in his body, he heard Jerome's voice behind him...

Jerome looked in amazement at Black Wind, beaming with vitality, and asked: "Just now, you were dragged back from a failed mutation in an instant."

"And now, you have restored a horse that was already mutated... I have never even seen a mage who can do something like that. What power is this?"

Lann, who had already experienced enough such questions, already had an answer.

Before they were just lies, but now he was the true heir of the Elder Blood, with confirmed identity, traceable, with legacy and powers.

"Have you heard of the wise elf Ithlinne's prophecy about the end of the world?" Lann asked.

Jerome nodded. This type of content was mentioned in the Gryphon School archives. "The world will be destroyed by the white frost, but the Elder Blood will bring spring and resurrection..."


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