Skills, Magic, Items, and Abilities



Dragon Spirit Haki: Powerful haki that allows the user to imbue their aura with various magical and physical properties, allowing it to both exert a powerful spiritual pressure over their targets, inflict them with potentially lethal magical effects, and cause them actual physical damage. When used to its fullest, it allows the user's aura to shred anything it comes into contact with.

Universal Detect: Allows for the perception of nearly all things within a wide radius. It is an enhanced version of Mana Perception with superior sensory capabilities. The user can perceive not only light and sound — inherited from Mana Perception — but also killing intent, heat, and sound waves within an extremely large range.

Universal Shapeshift: It allows the user to freely alter their bodily properties and disguise their appearance however they desire, with hardly any effort.

Dividing Ability: Veldora's claws contain the Unique ability to cut through any material in the world.



Multiple Existence: A variant of [Parallel Existence]. Grants the user the ability to share a collective consciousness between multiple Other Bodies which all have access to the original's Skills and share a magic power pool. Each Other Body can be considered the main body and will continue to exist even after the original body of the user dies.




-Evolved into [Faust: King of Truth]-

Owner: Veldora

Veldora's initial Unique Skill, though modified slightly by Christian's desires for answers and multi-tasking. He does not maintain this Skill for very long, almost immediately upgrading it into [Faust].

Of note is that [Investigator]'s [Analytical Appraisal] is particularly refined.



Thought Acceleration: It allows the user to greatly increase the speed of their thought process.

Analytical Appraisal: The user releases waves that enter the target of analysis and perform a full scan of their composition, which is then sent back to the user. Through this, the user can gain information such as the material composition of the target, the amount of Magicules it possesses, and if they're under the effects of Skills or Magic.

Parallel Operation: It allows the user to carry out multiple thought processes simultaneously. Possible applications include the detachment of analysis of phenomena from the user's regular thoughts, and the preservation of consciousness by using additional thought processes as backups.

All of Creation: It allows the user to comprehend anything as long as they have a basic understanding of it and it is perceivable to the user.

Persuit of Truth: Allows the user to access the records of the world's events.





-Evolved into [Faust: King of Truth]-

Owner: Christian

The Unique Skill that would have belonged to Christian had he not been fused with Veldora. It has powers similar to that of the Unique Skill [Cook] that Shion has access to, however, it works more subconsciously. It is due to this Skill's [Certain Outcome], that Christian even survived his fusion with Veldora at all.



Optimal Instinct: Allows the user to instinctively (i.e. subconsciously) know where to go and what to do to accomplish whatever goal they wish for themselves.

Certain Outcome: It allows the user to freely change the result of an action or the state of an object into their desired outcome, no matter how improbable.






Faust: King of Truth

Owner: Veldora

Veldora's first Ultimate Skill and the one he will use most often. Unlike canon Veldora's version of the Skill, this one has more features, and due to the combination of [Rioter] with [Investigator].

Its essence is 'Truth', meaning whatever Faust determines to be true becomes the objective truth of the world.



Thought Acceleration

Analytical Appraisal

Parallel Operation

Universal Perception: A slightly upgraded version of [Universal Detect]

Space-Time Manipulation: It allows the user to manipulate and utilize the elements of space and time.

Complex Barrier: It is a barrier-type skill that achieves Absolute Defense through the utilization of an always active [Multilayer Barrier] in combination with a version of the [Unlimited Imprisonment] Skill that has been altered into a defensive barrier. It boasts a foolproof defense against physical, elemental, and emission-type attacks.

•Complex Space: A pocket dimension created by Veldora using the properties of [Unlimited Imprisonment]. An infinite storage space where things can be locked up indefinitely.

Truth of Creation: A combination of [All of Creation] and [Persuit of Truth], allowing the user to fully comprehend any target and be granted an encyclopedic understanding of it.

•Destiny Manipulation: A super-evolved version of [Certain Outcome], [Optimal Instinct], and [Probablity Manipulation] that allows the user to directly alter the events of the world as though they were a plotline in a story. They can change events that happened in the past and even have a limited ability to pick which future will occur by choosing which timeline the world will go down.





Abnormal Condition Nullification

Chaos Attack Nullification

Natural Effects Nullification

Pain Nullification

Physical Attack Nullification

Spiritual Attack Nullification



Storm Magic

Black Flame: The Black Flames of Veldora in particular are incredibly powerful, surpassing the effectiveness of most Unique skills with a terrifying efficiency.

Dark Lightning: The ability to create and control black-colored electricity from the user's body as well as summon a bolt downwards from the sky. It's one of the strongest spells in existence, capable of reducing almost anything and anyone to ash in an instant.

Death-Heralding Winds: Unleashes a continuous gust of magical wind that deals damage and inflicts death onto anything it touches. Those who perish from it have their soul extinguished and blown away in the wind.

Thunderstom: The user shoots Light Rays from their mouth by compressing their internal magicules and firing them like a particle cannon. This attack can travel at sub-light speed, making it virtually unevasible.

Storm Blast: The user performs {Thunderstorm} to release a multitude of 'Nonexistent Waves' at the target. The destructive output of this Skill can deal notable damage even to True Dragons.


Aspectual Magic

Flight Magic

•Barrier Magic

•Elemental Magic

•Healing Magic

•Life Magic

•Nuclear Magic




Chaos Dragon Fist

Chaos Break: Combines elements of Storm Magic such as {Death-Heralding Winds}, {Storm Blast}, {Black Flame}, and {Dark Lightning} along with [Dragon Spirit Haki] to punch through any defense and inject the target's body with a litany of devastating Storm Magic effects. Even a True Dragon can't hope to survive a direct strike while lesser opponents may be killed simply by a glancing blow or even killed via the user's Aura.

Chaos Haki: Combines {Death-Heralding Winds} and [Dragon Spirit Haki] allowing the user to instantly kill anyone who cannot resist their Haki.

Reaper Winds: A variant of {Death-Heralding Winds} which claims ownership of the user's soul for Veldora rather than destroying it.

Dragon Pulse: A variation of {Storm Blast} which can be launched from the user's fists to deal substantial damage but not quite to the level of {Storm Blast} in terms of power but it can be used in human form. 

•Dragon Claw: Combines Veldora's [Dividing Ability] with [Absolute Severence] and [Dragon Spirit Haki] to create the ultimate offensive technique which cannot be stopped and will slice/cut through anything.