Trials (Part 1/2)

A/N: This is going to be a super long chapter today, as once I got started, I just couldn't stop writing. It will mostly focus on one of the contestants and their trial. Next chapter will be more of the same but from a different POV.


As I sat on my throne, trying not to remember how good sex feels when you can literally stimulate a soul to orgasm, one by one, the various contestants for my competition arrived before me.

The first was, of course, Rimuru, my chosen Administrator and the person I knew would be the contest winner. He was currently being carried by his current girlfriend Shizu and trying his best to suppress his Aura, making the other contestants believe he was simply the 'pet' of the true competitor, the Majin Shizu.

Next to them stook Akaoni, the recently named Kijin Chieftain whom Rimuru had named. After I announced the contest, Rimuru seemed to go into a panic mode, trying to convince me that what I was doing was stupid, however, since he had refused the responsibilities earlier, he had no right to complain now. Instead, he decided to try to ally with the Ogres and began to name them all using my magicules as a proxy.

Hence, Akaoni.

He was going to be Rimuru's 'secret' ally alongside Shizu, and my daughter Scylla, who was nearby, as they had formed a team to ensure Rimuru's victory.

Next was the group I called the 'Totaly not interference from a Demon Lord' team. It was composed of relatively powerful people. The Orc Lord, Geld, who stood, slobbering all over the place. This 'advisor' Gelmud who was a powerful majin, at least, he claimed to be, as well as the 'Witch of the Forest', Mjurran, who I briefly recall living here before I was sealed. Apparently, she majinized, as I was sure she used to be a human, but the fact that I could sense she was under the influence of some kind of Unique Skill so I knew she wasn't here of her own initiative.

A shame too, if I had merged with Veldora before his sealing, I'd probably have taken her under my wing personally since from at least her raw magical talent and magicule count, she was on-par with the Orc Lord.

Finally, in Mjurran's hands was a child cryptid. A monster called Ninehead, though it only had 3 tails. I kinda knew where this was going, as this world was obviously at least inspired by Japanese Isekai, given all the troupes, so I knew if I took her under my wing, and named her, she'd probably evolve into a 9-Tailed Kitsune woman. Furthermore, her potential was amazing, so much so that if I didn't already know Rimuru, I'd say she'd be my favorite to win given her raw magicule count rivaled his own, though raw power didn't really mean much unless the difference was night and day.

Next was the group of 'individual interests', the group consisting of monsters from within the forest who didn't seem to have formed a team and just came to represent their own intrests.

A rare species of evolved Goblin known as a Redcap, who appeared to be some kind of shaman or assassin type was the most striking, as she looked almost like an elf with red skin and darker red hair. Luminous, who stood beside me in her maid uniform, said she was her favorite in terms of appearance anyway, so I decided that I'd at least allow her to live.

Next was a member of the Minotaur-like Gozu Race. She was nameless, but given her powerful Axe and the fire in her eyes, she seemed like the high-spirited type who didn't want to lose to anyone.

Next to her was a member of the Horse-headed Mezu Race. He looked straight out of Greek Fantasy with powerful muscles and an absolutely gorgeous mane. His spear was also slightly concerning, as it clearly had some kind of spatial element to it, I assumed meant that it could either pierce anything or extend its length. Possibly both.

Next to both of them and giving them the stink-eye, was a powerful Elven Warrior who went by the name of Karna. Usually, Elves didn't get that strong, but this guy seems to have been doping somehow if the unstable nature of his magicules was anything to go by. I think, in terms of pure skill, he was the most skillful in this competition, given [Faust] estimated his age to be about 400, which is older than everyone else here, though not by much.

Finally stood a lone Lizardman. He was, by far, the weakest person here, though his confidence wouldn't tell you that. Maybe he had some kind of secret? He definitely wasn't a carrier of any kind of Unique Skill, so maybe he is a once-in-a-generation talent with that trident of his, or maybe he impressed a powerful elemental or daemon at some point and can summon them to fight for him?

I shot Luminous a quick look. She shook her head. '*I think he's just a dumbass*' Luminous whispered to me using [Thought Communication] and I had to fight trying not to laugh when she said it.

All of the participants had entered the cave now, and the representatives from any of the other species, like the Spider monster that came in earlier, hadn't been able to make it here on time, were killed by the monsters in the cave, or hadn't sent any representatives. It was a shame to, as I was hoping the Tengu would participate, as from what [Faust] was telling me, they were the only tribe which could give Rimuru a run for his money and I wanted him to sweat a little.

The bastard almost didn't participate and only did so because the Lizardman, Gabil, I think his name was, arrived earlier and decided to declare that he would make Rimuru and Shizu his wives after winning, which caused Rimuru to realize he couldn't trust anyone else to win for him, aka Akaoni.

I nodded to myself and stood, gathering the attention of all the members, and quieting them. I wasn't trying to hide my aura, allowing its power to be felt by all of them. I'd activated my [Dragon Spirit Haki] since before they'd all arrived and tuned it so that the coercion factor was dominant rather than the fear factor and so that none would be killed by it, but they were all under a heavy spiritual pressure right now that threatened to crush them if they didn't keep up their guard. Even someone oblivious like Rimuru couldn't ignore pressure like I was exuding.

I smiled, a mixture of smug satisfaction and viciousness boiling up from my draconic nature due to seeing them all gripped with fear, though I could tell Shizu and Rimuru's was more of an automatic physical response to my [Dragon Spirit Haki] rather than actual fear.

"Good. I see my call was heeded by the majority of the most powerful in this forest." I said, trying to sound more regally than usual.

"The Contest, or perhaps, Trials would be a better word for it, that the lot of you will go through to prove your worthiness of receiving the honor of administering this forest will begin shortly, but I will first explain a few key things about it.

The first thing is that this Contest will be split up into three different trials. The Trial of the Mind, Body, and Spirit.

The Trial of the Mind will test your intelligence and wisdom. I don't need rampaging beasts to be the ones running things around here. I need those with intelligence. This will be the first Trial and the one in which you will take today, after this explanation." I said, waving my hands as a stone wall to my left began to shake as a large crystal floated away, revealing a circular room filled with Candles and the smell of burning Incense.

This room was under the effects of a special magical barrier I'd developed that paired with illusion magic. Once inside, the person will experience visions and illusions of various scenarios in which they will be tested. They will live out a few scenarios inside their own minds which will determine their characters as people as well as other leadership qualities.

"Tomorrow, we shall have the Test of the Body, in which you will be placed into different combat scenarios. I need a strong administrator, not just a smart one. Noone here will respect a wise but weak leader, am I wrong?" I asked, to which everyone, bar Rimuru, would shake their heads. Even Shizu shook hers, which I could tell shocked Rimuru slightly.

I allowed my words to stew for just a moment longer before continuing. "Finally, will be the Test of the Spirit. A trial that will test your character, though I won't go into too much detail about that as to not allow you to prepare for it." I explained which earned me brief annoyed glances they thought I didn't pick up on.

I didn't need to tell them that the ones who gave those glances had already failed that trial. They were prepared for me to essentially coddle them. For them to be able to rely on my power or name to achieve their own, personal, goals. The ones that gave me the annoyed look wouldn't survive the trial I had waiting for them, as it would test this part of them.

"Now... any questions?" I asked.

"Yes, Lord Veldora." Mjurran asked as she stepped forward. "What will the cost of... failure, be? Will we be killed?"

I shook my head. "No. They will be free to leave as they wish, though any who pass at least one trial will be granted a reward from me, whether that be a name or a position under the new Administrator." I explained.

This led to everyone murmuring among themselves. Surprisingly the Mezu and Gozu seemed a bit closer than I would have expected considering their century-long war.

"Lord Veldora~" Gelmud asked, taking a step forward and laying it on thick with the flattering tone in his voice. "Might I inquire on what would occur should either no one or more than one person pass all three trials?"

I nodded. "I doubt more than one will succeed, but its more likely no one will, in which case, then the ones who pass at least two may choose to battle each other for the title or work it out between themselves, though I doubt that the second one will happen without the first," I explained.

They didn't need to know that I would place [Faust] on the scales to ensure that Rimuru would win if he should fail a trial. Although it would affect my opinion of him as a person if he needed it given his having the most powerful Skills here by far and only losing to Ninehead in terms of raw magical energy. His techniques with a blade could use some work, but since his training with the White Ogre who he named Hakurou, and his experience analyzing Shizu's fighting patterns, along with his ownership of Preta, even if he is the least technically proficient fighter here, he shouldn't lose to technique alone.

 "I see. Thank you, Lord Veldora for the explanation." gelmud bowed and stepped back into line.

I nodded. 'At least he is polite' I thought before gesturing to the room with the first trial, allowing them all to step inside.

(Redcap POV)

As I stepped through the doorway into the room with candles, the scenery around me changed. I was now alone. The other contestants had vanished and I was no longer in a cave, rather, the space I was in was now a wide-open expanse. The Sun was high in the sky with white fluffy clouds in the afternoon sky racing by as though time were accelerated. The 'ground' was a reflective surface, a pool of absolutely still water that reflected the sky like a polished mirror.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"I have no lungs, yet I can breathe;

No legs, yet I can run;

I have no eyes, yet I can see;

What am I?"

The Voice of Lord Veldora echoed around me.

"Huh? A riddle? Is this part of the test?" I asked.

There was no answer, so I pondered for a while. It didn't sound like any of the monsters I'd ever come across. I pondered for a long while before answering.

"A blind spirit?" I said quietly, unsure of my own answer.

"I am the Wind" Lord Veldora's voice came from everywhere and nowhere.

My face paled. I'd already failed. I raised my hand as though to protest, as to beg for another chance, but the next moment I blinked, the scenery was changed again.

I was in my village. No, more specifically, I was on the outskirts of my village. I felt like I was forgetting something... something about a trial... or was it a contest?

"Imbeciles! You haven't seen the last of me!" I turned to see a hobgoblin carrying a bloody but rusted sword pointing at all of us.

"Brother! What have you done!?!" I asked rage in my voice. My brother had stolen the Redcap and was trying to sell it to the Demon Lord Clayman in exchange for a position in his army and when he was found out by our mother, he'd cut her down to silence her! Not only was the redcap the most sacred of artifacts but he was trying to sell it for personal gain and killed our mother in the process of doing so! I couldn't let this slide! He was my brother and my responsibility! I had to kill him!

There was a battle, but now he was trying to escape with the Redcap. I prepared to charge when he suddenly reached into his satchel and pulled out a Magic Stone. It looked ominous.

"I won't let you catch me!" He shouted as he threw the Magic Stone on the ground and turned to run away.

A large-scale magic circle appeared and a wind of black dust swirled around the area in a tornado that promised death. the next second, the summoning was complete, and a very large Blade Tiger, one bigger and more powerful than any I'd ever seen appeared.

"""Kyaa!""" I looked back and saw the village warriors armed with their beat-up sticks and weapons behind me, and behind them were some of the youngest Goblins, scared of the sudden arrival of the predator that appeared in front of them.

"Priestess!" The Village Chief was giving me a look. It was a trusted look but I knew it was a look that told me something. I had to choose. I could go after my brother and with my magic and strength, I could take back the Redcap, or I could stay here and help defeat the Blade Tiger. If I did go, then I would easily win against my brother, but it's likely the village would take significant losses in personnel, if I stayed I, while it would be a struggle, I could defeat the Blade Tiger and no one would die, but I'd lose track of my brother in that time.

I thought about it for a moment. Time seemed to slow down, as though the universe was giving me all of the time in the world to think and process it. The Blade Tiger crouched down and prepared to pounce.

"Chief, I'll stop my brother!" I declared as I ran past the Tiger.

It didn't even bother to stop me as it lept and began attacking the warriors. I didn't look back, simply closing my eyes as I tried to ignore the screams of the warriors. I clenched my fists but didn't stop, I ran faster and faster until I caught up to my brother a few minutes later.

I didn't hesitate. "{Wind Cutter}!" I called out, using my wind magic to shoot out a blade of wind, cutting off my brother's legs.

"Gyahhh!!!" He yelped as he tumbled and fell on his face.

I slowed to a walk as I circled towards him, still wary of his knife as he sat up and glared at me. "Damn bitch! How could you do this to your own brother?" He spat.

"You betrayed us first, brother!" I said lifting my hand to cast another spell.

He smirked. "I thought the redcap would be the perfect present, but I guess I was wrong. *I* need to become the perfect present!" he said as he quickly pulled out the redcap and bit into it in one fluid motion.

"No!" I yelled, casting another {Wind Cutter} to cut him into pieces, but he quickly rolled away, growing in size and power as he did so. His cu of leg regenerated and he quickly dove behind a large bolder to protect himself as he continued eating.

"What are you doing!?!" I yelled in anguish as tears fell from my face. All of the sacrifices I'd made over my lifetime to protect that, the sacrifice of the warriors just to capture him... it was all for nothing now!

I don't remember much of what happened next. It was all a blur of red and pain, now, as my body lay, broken and bloodied in the clearing, I couldn't help but weep. My brother had long since left, having left me to die as he moved on to a bigger world.

It took me all night to return to the village entrance, but when I did, I found not a welcome by a diminished but alive defense force, nor a harsh scolding for letting my prey escape from the Village Chief, but nothing but blood and bodies.

The men, women, and children all were cut to ribbons, many having been partially consumed by the Blade Tiger before it disappeared.

"Chief!" I called out. "Chief!" I cried.

As I limped my way into the big hut at the center of the village, I was greeted by a horrific sight. The Chief, cut in two, barely breathing as they lied in their own blood.

"Chief!" I called out in anguish and concern. I ran over, trying desperately to heal what I knew were fatal wounds.

"Chief, I am so sorry!" I stated, crying profusely. The sting of my own wounds and numbness which spread across my body went ignored.

"Why did you leave us?" The Chief asked.

"I... I thought I could handle my brother on my own. I had to..." I muttered.

"You let your personal feelings of hatred and loss cloud your judgment?" The Chief asked.

I nodded. "I was wrong... I'm sorry!" I stated.

"Sorry isn't going to cut it. What are you going to do now? Everyone is dead." The Chief asked.

My eyes burned with tears. "I am going to find my brother and end him!" I declared.

"What about survivors? Will you leave them to go on this revenge quest?" The Chief asked.

I clenched my knuckles. "There are no survivors," I said under my breath.

Just then... "Priestess?" The sound of a soft voice came from behind. I turned around and saw a group of goblin children that had survived.

"Chief!" I said, as relief washed over my face, only to see, when I turned back to the Chief, that he was gone.

The next few days were a blur. I took a headcount of survivors and the result was grim. Only the children had survived, probably scurried off to safety by one of the warriors. The Blade Tiger hadn't damaged any of the buildings or gotten into our food supply, only killed many goblins, so we had plenty of food to survive and rebuild. I also made contact with the neighboring tribes, and they offered to give us support, but I turned them down. I divided up the children and had each of the goblin villages take a few of them. Then once it was done, I began to hunt the Blade Tiger.

It wasn't hard to find them. The'd taken up residence in a nearby cave which had a small crack that led deeper into the earth. This was where the Recaps would grow, as the crack supposedly ran into a series of underground caves connected to the Sealing Cave and trace amounts of Lord Veldora's magicuels seeped out into the surroundings from it.

The Blade Tiger had grown fat on the magicules of the Dragon. I could tell. Its fur was now shimmering black and its eyes literally leaked electrical energy. I knew, from the first time I'd witnessed it, that it was stronger than me. I knew that, with the proper planning, I could take it down, however, I didn't care at that moment. I'd lost everything. 

I ran at the thing when its back was turned. "{Fireball}!" I cast as a ball of fire shot from my hands and impacted against the things shiny fur.

It looked like it didn't even notice, but I continued my attack. "{Ice Blast}!" I tried again with a different element but nothing.

I grit my teeth as I continue to run towards it. "{Lig-}" I tried to cast another spell but the next moment the world was spinning and my head impacted the ground hard. I rolled a few times before seeing by green body taking its last few steps before collapsing as the world went dark.

"You seem passionate, but you prioritize personal vengeance over the wellbeing of those you have a responsibility to protect." Lord Veldora's voice came through.

I blinked. I was back in Lord Veldora's cave, outside the exit of the trial room. I turned back to see the other contestants, other than the Lizardman, still within the room, experiencing the dream.

I turned to face Lord Veldora standing in front of me. Fear coursed through every part of my body. I knew I had failed this trial and it wasn't even close. I knew he would be disappointed but he simply placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled.

"It's ok. Not everyone is cut out for this stuff, I was watching you. You fought hard and well despite everything." He said.

"B-but I lost both fights! I didn't answer the riddle! I-I" I tried to explain myself but he only shook me gently, pulling my mind from that dark place.

"It's ok. You may not have passed the fake Trial of the Mind at the beginning, but you passed the Trial of the Spirit, as you didn't give up until the very end." He explained.

My eyes went wide. "I thought today would be testing our intelligence and that the other Trials were all going to be on different days!?!" I asked.

He smiled again at me, though more smug this time. "Oh, yeah well, I lied. It got you all to let your guard down and to act as genuinely as possible since you believed you wouldn't be pushed physically and wouldn't be tested on your personality today." He explained. "I can empower any of you to the required strength for this job, and I even can copy a skill of a friend of mind and give it to you to make you smarter, but I can't change who you are as a person, and that is more important to me than anything else."

"T-that's... that's so..." I wanted to say 'unfair', but nothing about this world was 'fair', and saying so aloud would only make me look like a nieve fool in front of Lord Veldora.

I allowed my head to droop and took a deep breath, exhaling as I allowed the stress that had washed over me to escape. "I understand. Thank you, Lord Veldora... this Trial... it allowed me to see things about myself that I didn't know earlier. I know that I cannot live up to your expectations as the administrator of the forest, but I hope one day, that I may serve you as a subordinate in other ways!" I stated, genuinely thanking him.

'I never thought Lord Veldora would care enough about me to show me how to grow as a person, even though I obviously failed.' I thought, looking at Lord Veldora in a new light.

A moment later, a woman with yellowish tentacles coming out of her back stepped out of the room.

"Ah, Scylla. How was your trial?" He asked.

Scylla simply stared at Lord Veldora, almost as though she was mad. "I failed because of cookies!" She said, pouting.

Lord Veldora seemed to be taken aback by this. "A-all you had to do was not eat them though?" he said, exasperated.

Scylla turned to the maid, ignoring Lord Veldora. "Papa's cookies didn't taste as good as yours." She stated.

Lord Veldora suddenly reacted as though he was hit by an invisible attack, taking a step back and falling to his knees while the maid laughed a laugh that seemed a bit too smug and confident for someone whose master was seemingly insulted.

"Um... am I missing something here?" I asked, more to myself than anyone.