Rewards and Travels

"You finished?" I asked Rimuru who was lying on the ground in front of me exhausted.

"Yeah... thanks for all your help," Rimuru muttered tiredly.

I smirked. "Well, naming all of the Orcs, Lizardmen, Gozu, Mezu, Goblins, and Ogres at once was bound to take it out of you, even using my magic power to do it," I mentioned.

Rimuru nodded his slime body. "How much magic power do you have anyway? I feel like we used up a lot!?!" He asked, probably genuinely curious.

"Well you did use up almost 33% of my reserves, but as a True Dragon, I can recover from it super fast!" I declared.

"You True Dragons just keep on breaking logic, don't you?" Luminous complained as she looked out over the veritable sea of sleeping monsters who were undergoing their evolutionary slumber. "This is going to cause a lot of problems, you know?" She added.

I nodded. "Yeah, I know, but I figure I can mask most of it by doing this," I said as I pointed to Rimuru who looked confused.

I stared at him for a moment before using [Faust] to directly contact [Great Sage]. 


'*I've got a ton of Souls here, how many to force Rimuru's evolution into a True Demon Lord?*' I asked.


<> /1\

I nodded and transferred the souls the next moment.

The Voice of the World called out.

"Eh, Veldora? What did you-" Rimuru was interrupted by a sudden wave of dizziness and began to pool out into the street, but I ignored it and continued correspondence with [Great Sage].

'*I expect you to have Rimuru awaken an Ultimate Skill, need anything else for it?*' I asked.

<> It asked.

I was slightly shocked, as I mostly only asked as a formality, not really expecting an actual answer, but I gave the information it wanted away freely. I thought that maybe it wanted the information to upgrade Rimuru's Stomach capacity to one with infinite size due to the fact I used a variation of the ability for the same thing with [Faust], so I didn't resist granting any of the information it wanted, though I kept it away from information on my own trump cards, like [Faust] and my True Dragon Magic.

Our conversation was done in [Thought Acceleration] over a thousand times, so it would appear to be instant on the outside, which is why when we stopped communicating, Luminous was looking at me with a shocked expression.

"What kind of power allows you to just create True Demon Lords on a whim?" She asked me.

I smiled. "Let your husband have his secrets, kitten," I said, giving Luminous a playful tap on the nose. I mostly did this to annoy her since she was cute when upset and nothing I said would make her NOT upset about this. After all, I was basically creating problems for her directly in front of her.

As predicted, Luminous pouted, crossing her arms and blowing up her cheek. It was adorable.

"I would like to know how you did it as well?" I turned to notice Nior had appeared to our side.

"Finally done peeping, are you?" I asked.

Nior chuckled. "I was simply admiring an object of interest, Lord Veldora," he stated.

I narrowed my eyes as I studied the Demon. He was an eccentric one among his peers, as he didn't care about strength or power, only caring about whatever caught his attention. I knew he wasn't super dangerous right now, since he'd never go out of his way to fight a losing battle against a True Dragon for only a passing whim, but his seeming obsession with Shizu and now Rimuru was concerning.

"Let's make a deal," I stated

"Oh?" Nior looked at me with interested eyes.

"You shouldn't. He's dangerous." Luminous advised me from my side.

"I know, but Guy HATES dealing with him, so he's useful for now," I responded to her.

Luminous looked at Nior for a while before sighing and nodding, allowing me to go through with this deal. I'd have to spoil her later.

"Protect Rimuru and his nation while I am gone and he is getting his footing, particularly protect him from Guy to the best of your ability. In exchange, I'll grant you a body and convince Rimuru to grant you a name." I stated.

Nior looked at me, narrowing his eyes. "You seem confident his soul won't disappear if he names a Primordial like me."

"If he was so weak as for that to be a problem, then I wouldn't care for him this much... actually, why do I care for him so much?" I asked that last part to myself.

Nior's eyes widened as I asked myself this question and he began to chuckle. "It seems Lord Rimuru's bright soul and immaculate destiny have captivated your heart as well, Lord Veldora!"

Luminous nodded. "Well, his fate is definitely... special." She mentioned.

I raised my eyebrow and looked at Luminous when she said that. "Why do you sound like you know his fate?" I asked.

Luminous smiled smugly and playfully tapped my nose. "Let your wife have her secrets, kitten."

"Toosie!" I replied.

"It touche"

"Nah, that tooshie is mine!" I said, scooping up Luminous into a Princess Carry while pulling a Dragotite Skeletal Golem out of my [Complex Storage]. This started out as a prototype for my cloning experiments, as I thought maybe I needed another physical body to inhabit for it to work, but gave up on that direction of my research pretty early on and kept the Gollem to eventually have Charybdis inhabit, but I could always make another one almost instantly since I had all of the materials anyway.

This body was pretty complex, having a Skeletal Structure made of Dragotite, flesh made out of Rimuru's slime, and some of my Dragon Scales ground down into a powder and mixed with Full Potions to create a plaster to work as an outer layer of skin. To be honest, it was the perfect vessel for something like a Primrodial, as it was a physical body of high enough quality that every part of it verged on Legend Grade Equipment.

Nior's eyes widened at his vessel and I smirked he was clearly impressed by the quality.

"It's the Dragotite isn't it? I mean, obviously, it's amazing and-" I began to brag

"I get to share flesh with Lord Rimuru! To have our musculature structure be made of the same material is..." Nior actually fucking moaned and I thought he probably just came in his pants, which made me freak the fuck out and almost leave with Luminous.

Nior, after a moment to calm down, looked me dead in the eyes. "I swear on my soul to protect Lord Rimuru with my life" he declared.

"Right..." I nodded, sealing our contract and immediately teleporting away. I didn't have to worry about him betraying me, because Nior was someone who, for better or worse, always fulfilled his contracts, even if his whimsical decendents didn't.

Somehow I'm not horny anymore. "Hmm?" Luminous mentioned, seemingly lost in thought.

"What?" I asked.

"Guy's faces when they cum can be pretty cute too... I wonder what yours would look like. Want to try it?" She asked

Somehow I was horny again.


It only took a few months for everything to settle down after the reward ceremony. To begin with, thanks to the influx of powerful new Majin and the sudden evolution of most of Rimuru's people, the infrastructure of what we now call the Jura Alliance, was forced to adapt and change. Tempest, the capital city of the Alliance expanded rapidly, becoming almost as advanced as some of the cities in our original world but without the internet. I mean we had running water toilets, AC units in all our homes, and magical appliances that were created by the continuously migrating Dwarven Engineers, and the Surmounters that Luminous sent to us. Backed up by the labor power of the High Orcs, the agricultural prowess of halflings who migrated here, the quality clothing created by the Kijin, and the fisheries of the Dragonewts, there was never a want or need for any material good.

In all honesty, it was pretty fun doing the whole Kingdom Building thing with Rimuru. made me really regret blowing up Nightrose, which is why I decided to take 'trip' to the old location where it was located, on the outskirts of Ruberios and restore it.

I wish I could say I just snapped my fingers and it was done, however, it was such a complex and intricate construction that it forced me to slow down and really take my time with its restoration. To be honest, if I wasn't currently banging Luminous, then there would be no way in hell I'd go through with this. It took me almost 4 months of work to get everything right and cross-reference every tiny detail with [Truth of Creation], but it was finally done.

When I brought Lumious to look at it she jumped me and didn't let me go for 5 days she was so happy. I also got to meet the 'Demon Lord' Roy Valentin during this time as he moved a huge number of the vampires who were in hiding back to their ancestral home. This did cause a minor stir within the Western Nations when suddenly a city full of Vampires appeared seemingly overnight within the Territory of the Holy Land, but using a bit of Earth Magic on a frankly, quite ridiculous scale, I moved the entire city from the main Magic Continent to a large island just north of Ingrassia that was inhabited by monsters.

This was, by far, the most risky thing I've done since getting out of [Unlimited Imprisonment] since there was about a 50% chance that Velzard would notice my movements now that I was so close to her. And that's 50% WITH [Faust] acting on full power, as it was a 100% chance without it, but what are we going to do? My bae asked for it and I guess I was more whipped than I would like to admit because I didn't even argue.

Thankfully though my eldest sister either didn't notice or didn't care to intervene since we didn't encounter each other, but regardless, I told Luminous that I needed to lay low for a while either way, to which she agreed.

She asked me to go on vacation with her to Ramiris' Labyrinth, as she wanted to test some things out without anyone learning about them and while inside I could hide from Velzard and Velgrynd. I didn't particularly care where we went since Luminous was always good company and the sex never gets old.

While [Pleasure Resistance] isn't a thing, that isn't going to stop us from trying to acquire this elusive tolerance skill.


/1\: The number of souls required is larger due to Rimuru not having absorbed Charybdis in this timeline.