Fey Wesonga

"Aah friend, you can call me brother Fay or Wesonga. The gate to take you out of this shelter is not in the direction that you are going. If you would have continued to go with that direction, you might have wished that you would not have come here. Wherever you see a graffiti on the walls of the cabins, that means danger. Switch to another way. You should know that we are in cultivation plane. There are no rules here and anyone can kill you and nobody will say a thing about it. I think you have already heard about the demon race and the vampire race."

" Unlike humans who are not even on the survival ladder of the top a thousand race, the demons are number two while the vampires are number three on the ladder. You can clearly see how talented those guys are. I have only talked about those two races because they are the ones dominating in this place. So, you need to be careful. Don't be on the bad side of those two races, no, don't be on the bad side of anyone in this place."

Lazy Wafula pondered about what Fey Wesonga had told him and he remembered someone. The horny woman must be a vampire because he had clearly seen her sharp fangs and those blood shot eyes, not to mention the bat wings on her back.

"Why are you so afraid of those guys? Aren't they just like us?" Lazy Wafula asked indignantly. He leaned his back on the wall of the cabin while deep in thought.

"You should know that we cultivators of the dark attribute, tend to have a bad personality and strange behaviors. I know this has not happened to you yet because you are still a newbie but the moment you will start craving for blood energy, that is the moment that you will lose your humanity. You will turn into a different person entirely..."

Lazy Wafula suddenly interjected him, "Why haven't you lost your humanity like the others, I am sure you have tested this blood energy, right?"

"phew! That is a long story. But to summarize, I can only say that I am not that lucky when it comes to hunting beasts so, even if I had tested this blood energy, my cravings cancelled out because I had failed to satisfy them."

"If it is like that, then just show me where the gate is. I will go hunting by myself." Lazy Wafula eventually decided. He will not associate himself with a failure for nothing.

Knowing what he was thinking, Fey Wesonga started sweating. "You should think about this some more. Even though I am hapless, my cultivation level is slightly higher than yours. We can help each other to handle those big buddies, also, I know most of the better places to hunt. It is just that I can not hunt alone and that is why I am seeking you help." Fey Wesonga tried to persuade him while on his knees. His life was on the line here.

Lazy Wafula thought about it some more and scanned Fey Wesonga another time making Fey a little embarrassed by his scan as if Lazy Wafula was checking out a slut to see if she was his type. Now that Lazy Wafula was staring at Fey Wesonga this closely, he found out that this guy must have come from a rich family because of the golden chain and a ring that he was wearing on his finger.

Also his clothes were fashionable not to mention that the guy himself was chubby and a huge beer belly can be seen sticking out which had lifted his shirt up. 'This Wesonga guy didn't come to cultivation plane to party, right? Did he think that this place is a club where he had come to perform? No wonder nobody wanted to work with him. Can this guy even run?'

"Do you have money?" Lazy Wafula asked suddenly after staring at him for a long time. He had just migrated to planet Iwefwe and he didn't have money with him so, he wanted to scam, no, he wanted protection money first so that he can allow Fey Wesonga to gang up with him.

"Err?" Fey Wesonga was taken aback with puzzlement appearing on his face as if he had not heard what Lazy Wafula had just said. He was speechless.

"You don't have money? I just want a few thousands, don't tell me that you don't even have that much, right? If it is so, then there is no way I can help you..." Lazy Wafula was very confident about his ability, and with the help of the system, he was sure than within just a few weeks, he will be maximizing his blood energy bars and be ready to evolve to ancestral realm stage.

"Erm, that is not it. If it is money that you want, then you have come to the right person. Right now I don't have money with me but when I get back to Iwefwe planet, I will surely send you the cash. But man, are you sure that it is only money that you want?" Fey Wesonga wanted to confirm. People ask for priceless treasures for them to allow him into their group but this guy only wanted money and a few thousands at that? Fey Wesonga was really buffled. To say the truth, Lazy Wafula didn't know how the currency of Iwefwe planet work and that was why he asked for a few thousands.

"It is settled then. Or do you want to add something on top of that cash?" Lazy Wafula asked while staring intently at the golden chain around Fey Wesonga's neck. 'That chain can be sold for a good sum, right?'

"No, no. It is only money that I have."