selling beasts (i

He could have gone to the shelter to auction these beasts but he didn't have a pouch to keep all of them in, as his storage space was so small in that just two level one Cavern Cats were enough to fill the entire space. Just as he was going to say that he had halved the prices, a woman who had butterfly wings on her back was the first one to come out of her stupor.

"I want ten level one beasts."

Other people from the Sailors gang who heard her order were again snapped and realized what was going on, so they quickly placed their orders. Ryan realized that not many of them asked to buy more than ten Cavern Cats of the same level. It seemed that they already knew about what the system had just divulged to him.

Others placed an order of even more than twenty beasts with an intention of selling the beasts at a high cost in the shelter, later.

It was absolute madness as the Sailors fight with each other to buy the beasts from Lazy Wafula.

"I will be taking all the level two Cavern Cats." A calm voice was heard within the crowd. All the Sailors became quite after that and no one dared to fight with her over the beasts, though they felt like they were crushed inside. Olie Nyang who had been quite for a long time finally joined.

"Sure!" Lazy Wafula answered. He then sold all the beasts that he had hunted. Because phones could not be used in the cultivation planes, Lazy Wafula came into a consensus with them that they will have to send him the money just immediately they teleported back to their homes. Lazy Wafula was not worried that there was any one among them who will refuse to pay up as they had seen what he could do and anyone who refused to pay up will meet his wrath, unless they stayed in their homes untill he evolved to the ancestral realm.

In total, he made sales worth nine hundred thousand coins. He gave out his phone link to the Sailors, where they will then send him the money when they go back to their home planets.

After finishing up, Lazy Wafula turned around and went back to the shelter. The Sailors remained back as they packed up the beasts that they had bought. Though some of their fellows had died, this trip didn't go to a waste as they had came back with a stock pile of beasts.

"Status." Lazy Wafula muttered as he continued heading towards the shelter. The quest interface window showed up. His status were as follows;

Name : Lazy Wafula

Mortal Blood Energy :

level 1 : 100 %

level 2 : 94 / 100

level 3 : 7 / 100

level 4 : 0 / 100

level 5 : 0 / 100

level 6 : 0 / 100

level 7 : 0 / 100

level 8 : 0 / 100

level 9 : 0 / 100

Health : Good

Strength : 350 dings

Energy points : 1800 - 150

= 1650

Lazy Wafula realized that he had maximized his level one bar as it was now showing a hundred percent filled. His level two bar on the other hand was also almost filled after he absorbed the blood energy of ten Cavern Cats which gave him ninety four percent blood energy.

His strength on the other hand, had increased from forty six dings to three hundred and fifty dings, the level two blood energy of the Cavern Cats had given him 200+ dings - that was from the ten with an addition of one useless level two beasts that he had absorbed, while the ten level one beasts gave him a hundred dings. Summing them up together, his strength had climbed to three hundred and fifty dings.

From the a hundred and twenty level one Cavern Cats that Lazy Wafula had killed, he managed to obtain 1200 energy points while the thirty level two Cavern Cats gave him six hundred energy points. Summing them up, Lazy Wafula got a total of 1800 energy points.

150 energy points was subtracted from the sum to pay up the debt thus he remained with 1650 energy points. This was a big sum that he could do much with but Lazy Wafula didn't plan to visit the system's shop right now, because he knew that his wallet may become empty at an instant.

There were more people in Kibra shelter than in the previous days that Lazy Wafula had been in this shelter, but non of the people in the shelter gave Lazy Wafula a glance. His level three cultivation stage had made Lazy Wafula to be like a person who had been in this shelter for a long time so, nobody realized that he was a newbie. After all, becoming a level three took a very long time especially for no name races like the humans.