
"...Spirit of nature is a spirit from most of the immovable entities like the the trees and rocks. If a rock or a tree lived for a longer time, it would start to develop a spirit for itself and think and do things just like people."

"Even rocks can talk and do things?" Lazy Wafula was intrigued and enlightened, he never knew that there were rocks out there that could talk or even move from place to place. What Nakba had just told him was truly an eye opener.

But if Nakba knew that the demon guy was a minion of this spirit of nature, why didn't she warn him earlier? Did she wanted him to fall into this trap?

"Why didn't you warn me about this trap? I told you already to notify me when something new appeared."

Nakba simply kept mum, not wanting to tell Lazy Wafula why it had decided to do so. Lazy Wafula tried to ask it some more but he was still ignored making him to snort in displeasure.