"Originally, this empty space already belongs to you. If you still want it, it will be yours."
Satisfied, Merlin smiled and calmly sat down.
Originally, Merlin did not pay the slightest heed to joining these guilds. But when he heard about Solomon's Possessions, he changed his mind. The fact that the Falcon had both the map and the experience of entering that dungeon was considered beneficial for him quite a bit.
He heard that in the previous year, the Falcons only reached the fifth floor from seven to eight floors; it indicated that this dungeon had to be vicious.
With their powers, the Falcons were considered strong. But last year, they could only enter the fifth level. Using logic, with his might, he would not be able to defeat the whole Falcons group when they joined together. It was, therefore, concluded that if he waded alone into the dungeon, maybe he would be able to drill only a few floors.
The decision to join the Falcons was therefore the right decision.