The Star Switching Astral Formation Part I

After looking at the completed magical hoop, Merlin raised his head and spoke calmly.

"This is what you guys have to practice today."

The Astral members looked at each other. They, of course, did not understand what Merlin was saying. They did not get how a magical hoop could be a form of training.

“Our chief's knowledge is extremely high. From the start, no one could ever see his thoughts.” Mensa sighed before looking at Merlin attentively.

Merlin continued after a moment.

“This is a magical hoop that I have created especially for you guys. Its name is Star Switching Astral Formation. If you are a member of the Astral, you will have to remember what I am about to say until the day that you die. Don’t ever forget it."

The more Merlin said, the more excited the twelve members became.

Many people took a deep breath and listened attentively.

Merlin explained the meaning and origin of the magical hoop.