Merlin was floating in the air in a relaxed manner. On his body, which had not activated the alphabet power engraved on the cultivation magical hoop, the energy waves of the three-hoop Archwizard spread out, pressuring the people.
The little boy's expression greatly increased Freeze's fury.
"You bastard. It's you again!” Freeze replied in a solemn tone. A loud explosion of anger resounded throughout the battlefield.
Merlin was one of the deep wounds that stuck in his heart. That comfortable bearing filled with arrogance drove his anger up, almost shooting into the sky.
Three-hoop Archwizard.
Although Freeze was surprised, he looked at Merlin with contemptuous eyes. Last time, this kid had just reached the Wizard Warrior zone. It was not expected that, within a few years, he would be able to break through the Archwizard zone and form the third cultivation hoop.