As soon as Merlin approached and Jǫrmungandr could see him clearly, the old man looked extremely shocked.
The aggressiveness within his heart gradually subsided.
“You?” A hoarse voice called out eerily.
When Jǫrmungandr saw Merlin's face clearly, he began to recognize Merlin.
That year, he had spared a child who was able to reach this floor. He also gave him the green alphabet power to do something he had entrusted to him:
Finding the Key of Solomon.
Of course, it was almost impossible. But when there came a small chance Jǫrmungandr wanted to take a risk.
Many years had passed; Jǫrmungandr began to give up. He didn't think that kid would be able to do it. But because there was still hope, Jǫrmungandr began to store his energy in anticipation of the boy's return.
Although it was not much, Jǫrmungandr hoped that when Merlin returned, he would be able to talk and do something better than before.