Merlin's shadow figure collapsed along with Yorne's great shock.
Even though this was just a shadow figure, it was part of the Demigod's power.
Yorne's heart suddenly turned cold. He had no way to escape and the strength to fight.
Although the giant butterfly was injured, its power was great enough to finish him.
The giant butterfly didn't wait for any second. It had never imagined that it would get hurt in a place like this.
This was the three-yanas sector, the place where there were only ant-like creatures in its eyes.
The giant butterfly was injured, it needed restoration power as soon as possible. Fierce eyes stared at Yorne.
Two damaged wings were spread and fluttered. The wind screamed, creating an ear-piercing sound as though a ghost was crying in the wind. It lunged at its prey with a fierce look in its eyes.
Yorne was still able to maintain his senses. He was trying to find a way to survive.