She Refused To Leave This World.

Two Years Later.

BayHills High school.

"Your test results are out, few of you did well while most of you did very poorly." The teacher said and then began to call out the students name to come and collect their test results.

"Yang Meiyi." The teacher called.

Yang Meiyi who was in her final year in highschool, crossed her finger as she walked to the teacher desk to collect her test results.

The teacher was about to give it to her when he suddenly stopped and said "I want you all to applaud Yang Meiyi for scoring the highest in this English test."

Yang Meiyi widen her eyes in surprised when she heard what the teacher said and when she was given her test script, she saw that she scored 99, she screamed in excitement as she returned back to her seat. Meiyi smile never left her face, she knew that her mother would be happy about the improvement in her academics.

Her mother was right, the Fu family will never accept a dumb person as their daughter-in-law, so that was why two years ago she decided to put more effort in her studies.

It's been four years now and yet, still no news about Fu Mingze. He doesn't return her calls or even reply to her messages and whenever she asked old master Fu about him, the old man just shrugged and always give the same reply "If he can't return then it's better if he wasn't even my grandson in the first place." Although old master Fu gave such replies, she would always see the worry and fear in his eyes for his grandson.

She wondered where he was and if he was alright, was he even taking his medicine?

While deep in thought, Yang Meiyi did not noticed as two girls came before her, it was after one of them said hello that she looked at them. She recognized one of them as Wei Ran and as for the other girl, her face only looked familiar but Yang Meiyi had no idea who she was.

"We heard that the Yang family is throwing a big birthday celebration for you."

Oh, her seventeenth birthday is in two days and she almost forgot about it. With a smile on her face Yang Meiyi replied "It isn't that much of a big deal since it will just be a small party."

The other girl rolled her eyes and said "Everyone in country M knows that the birthday of the youngest daughter in the Yang family is always a big deal. Is it really true that on your sixteenth birthday, your mother gave you a yatch as a birthday present?"

Yang Meiyi frowned when she heard that and said "I did receive a yatch but it wasn't my mother who gave it to me."

"Really?" Wei Ran asked.

"It doesn't even matter anymore, my mum returned the gift saying I was too young to have a yatch." Yang Meiyi said. Even she was shocked when Old Master Fu gave her a yatch as a present.

"Wow, you are so lucky. Are we invited to your seventeenth birthday party?" Wei Ran asked.

Yang Meiyi smiled and said "Of course you are."

The two girls smiled and left in happiness.

Yang Meiyi gathered her books and putted them inside her bag and went to the restroom, she looked at the girl staring back at her in the mirror and found it difficult to believe that this was indeed her.

The girl staring at her was even more beautiful than Liu Yi, richer than Liu Yi and has a mother who loved her, something Liu Yi never had. Liu Yi just had a aunt who wanted her graduate so that she could become a slave in her company but Yang Meiyi is different, this girl could have anything she wants especially because she was able to make Fu Shen accept her as his granddaughter.

Yang Meiyi opened the tap and pushed her long dark hair aside before slashing water on her face, she took a napkin and clean her face before sighing. She was already seventeenth, the time was getting closer, although she has lived as Yang Meiyi for almost seven years she still had no clue on how Yang Meiyi died or could it be she was murdered, but by who?

If Yang Jia was not the female lead then she would have been a suspect, seeing the way the young woman despise both her and her mother and speaking of Yang Jia, the young woman has been acting even more strange than ever.

There have been rumors of her and the illegimate son of the Gu family dating but none of them has confirmed those rumors mainly because Gu Zhen was supposed to be engaged to a girl in the Nie Family.

And her mother has also been acting strange ever since Yang Jiu announced to the public that he will be training Yang Jia to be the successor of Yang corporation. She felt as if there was a secret between Yang Jiu and Sang Xiu.

But most of all, she missed her Fu Mingze, he would always listen to her. Even though he acted cold towards her in public, only she knew how many times he helped her with her homework whenever he was around and then he would claimed that he only did that so that she wouldn't cry to his grandfather.

He would always tell her not to trust anyone and not to be too naive, he tells her the world isn't as it is and she would understand one day. The problem is, she wondered if that day would come. She has come to like her life as Yang Meiyi and she wondered if there is something she can do to stop her death. But how was she going to stop it when she doesn't even know the exact date or time or even how the real Meiyi died, the author only mentioned of her death and how Sang Xiu went mad afterwards.

No, there must be something she can do. She isn't just the ordinary girl named Liu Yi, she is now Yang Meiyi, the adopted granddaughter of Fu Shen and even though it may be the author will, she refused to die, she refused to leave this world. It is her who now controls Yang Meiyi's life, she and no one else.