She Can Never Be Like My Yang Jia

"What's with that look?" Fu Mingze asked as he stopped his car in front of the Yang Mansion.

Yang Meiyi pouted and said "I thought we could spend more time together. The only thing we did was study."

Fu Mingze smiled and said "Your mom is just worried about you, don't argue with her and don't be angry at her. I know how short tempered you can be."

"I'm not short-tempered." Yang Meiyi defended.

"Go now."

Meiyi nodded and was about to leave the car when she suddenly stopped and said "Are you going to go back to Jiachen estate?'


"I just don't want you to stay there all alone."

"I will be fine."

"Why don't I find an apartment for you and then when we get married we will move to Jiachen estate." Yang Meiyi said with hopeful eyes.

"Yang Meiyi, I said I will be fine." Fu Mingze said with a smile.

Yang Meiyi looked at him for a moment and nodded, she was about to leave the car again when she stopped and said "By the way, you shouldn't be drinking too much and don't forget to take your medicines."

Fu Mingze felt warmth in his heart when he looked at Yang Meiyi worried eyes, he nodded and said "Now go."

Yang Meiyi finally got out of the car and said "Bye."

After seeing her entered the Yang mansion, Fu Mingze drove away with a smile on his face.


Yang Meiyi entered the Yang mansion with a smile but that smile disappeared when she saw Sang Xiu waiting for her on her bed.


"You still have the nerve to smile after causing so much trouble this evening?"

Yang Meiyi put her school bag on her bed and said "How was I supposed to know that grandma was coming tonight, you should have told me much earlier. What did she say?"

"Nothing. I told her you went to a friend's place to study. By the way, were you all alone with Fu Mingze?" Sang Xiu asked with a frown.

Seeing her mother frown, Yang Meiyi hesitated before nodding and said "Nothing happened. He took me to Jiachen estate and then I studied while he worked until you called."

"Fu Mingze bought Jiachen estate?" Sang Xiu asked, surprised.

Yang Meiyi nodded and said "He said that is where he wants his wife and kids to live as well. Mom, when will you give him the permission for us to get married?"

"Maybe in your dreams. Even if you get to eighteen, it doesn't change the fact that you are still a kid and you better tame yourself while your grandmother is around, I don't need problems with that woman."

Yang Meiyi rolled her eyes and sat beside her mother, she placed her head on her mother's shoulder and asked "Why doesn't grandmother like me? She always compare me to Yang Jia and treat me as if I am not her grandchild as well. To be honest, I hate it when she is around."

"Shush. What have I told you about hiding your feelings? Even I hate her, but do you see me showing it? Just tolerate her for a while, and she will leave before you know it, okay?"

Yang Meiyi nodded and kissed her mother's cheek.

Sang Xiu smiled and said "But that also means no visiting Fu Mingze in the meantime. You know how that old woman is, she will create a fuss out of nothing."

Yang Meiyi chuckled and asked "Why don't you get angry when I see Fu Mingze all alone?"

"Why should I get angry? I trust Fu Mingze, and I know he willnever take advantage of you."

"And here I was thinking it's because you trust me."

"Are you kidding? Of course not. I'm sure you are the one who is taking advantage of him instead."


"And besides, there is no one who will be better at ensuring that you pass the Suwei University entrance exam than their best student. So it's like I'm getting someone to tutor you for free."

Yang Meiyi looked at her mother in disbelief and scoffed "You really do think so far ahead."

Sang Xiu smiled and asked "Have you had dinner?"

Yang Meiyi nodded, "He took me to a restaurant before bringing me back home."

Sang Xiu nodded and said "Goodnight and remember to stay out of your grandma's radar."

Sang Xiu kissed her forehead and said, "I love you."

"I love you too mom." Yang Meiyi replied and watched as her mother left her room.


Yang Meiyi woke up and immediately check the time; it was 9am, she sighed because she knew that the old woman was going to nag her for waking up late.

After bathing and getting dressed, Meiyi went downstairs and saw everyone gathered for breakfast before she could sit she heard grandma Yang saying "Is this the time a girl your age is supposed to wake up? Didn't your mother teach you anything?"

Sang Xiu who was helping the maids to serve breakfast smiled and said "It isn't Meiyi's fault, she must have studied late again."

"What's the use of her studying, it's not like she will even pass the exams. No matter how hard she studies she can never be like my Yang Jia."

"Mother, that's enough." Yang Jiu said, he looked at Yang Meiyi with a gentle smile and said "Sit and eat your breakfast."

Yang Meiyi nodded and sat down, she looked at Yang Jia who was eating quitely, and the scene of her kissing Fu Mingze yesterday evening flash in her mind. She wondered why Yang Jia did it. In the book , Yang Jia has never initiated a kiss with Fu Mingze before, so what has changed? Or was she that heartbroken about hearing of Gu Zhen engagement.

"Yang Jia, you are already twenty three years old. Your father and I have thought about it and have decided that it's time for you to get married and have your family." Grandma Yang said.

Yang Jia froze for a moment and said "But I'm not interested in getting married now, if there is anyone who is desperate to get married, it should be our little miss Yang."

Grandma Yang frowned and said "What nonesense! How can Yang Meiyi even think of getting married before her elder sister." The old woman looked at her son and said "You should never allow this to happen."

"Then who do you have in mind for our Yang Jia?" Yang Jiu asked. He was already feeling a headache coming on.

Grandma Yang cleared her throat and looked at Sang Xiu as she said "I remember the Sang Family have a good relationship with the Fu and now that Fu Mingze has taken over the Fu group, he will surely need a virtues woman to stand by him and who better than our Yang Jia to be that woman. Sang Xiu, you are now Yang Jia mother and surely you want the best for her, so I'm sure you see no problem with us going to the Fu Family to arrange a marriage alliance."

Yang Meiyi looked at her grandmother in disbelief and said "But Yang Jia doesn't even like him."

"I like him." Yang Jia suddenly said, she looked at Yang Meiyi and said "I like Fu Mingze." She turned her gaze to Sang Xiu and said "You have always claimed to be my mother, this is the time to show your sincerity. Help me get married to Fu Mingze."

Yang Meiyi looked at her mother with pleading eyes and was surprised when the woman suddenly burst into laughter.