The Best Christmas Present.

"Yang Meiyi! The results are out." Sang Xiu shouted as she woke her daughter up from her sleep.

Hearing that the entrance results were out, Yang Meiyi immediately opened her eyes, all traces of sleep disappeared from her face when she sat upright in excitement "Really! Have you checked? Did I pass?"

Sang Xiu looked at her daughter and placed a loving kiss on her cheek, she hugged Meiyi tightly and said "My daughter is the best, she not only passed but she passed with the highest score."

Yang Meiyi separated herself from her mother and asked "Really! Did I really passed with the highest score? Does that mean I'm going to Suwei University."

Sang Xiu nodded and said "I'm so proud of you. My baby has become very intelligent."

"Mom, I passed! I'm going to Suwei University." Yang Meiyi shouted and hugged her mother excitedly.

Sang Xiu cleaned the tears that escaped her eyes as Yang Meiyi hugged her, she was just so happy.

Yang Meiyi on the other hand had mixed feeling, she was indeed happy that she got into the university but the fact that she had to endure four years of reading, writing tests and exams made her very unhappy. Just when would she be free from this shackles called school?

After her mother left, Yang Meiyi immediately called Fu Mingze and shouted "I pass! Not just that but with the highest score."

"That's amazing." Fu Mingze said with a smile.

"Now I have to be your girlfriend. A deal is a deal after all."

Fu Mingze smile widen as he reply, "I don't remember making that deal."

Yang Meiyi sighed and said "I'm happy I got into the university but I have a feeling that it's going to be four years of torture."

Fu Mingze chuckles at her statement. He knew she hated school and everything involving it, that's why when he decided to tutor her, he was very strict with her. If not she would never have put any effort in her study.

"Well, do all you can to endure this torture and one day you will see the fruit of it." Fu Mingze said in encouragement

Yang Meiyi rolled her eyes "Whatever."


It was Christmas and the only thing that made Yang Meiyi so excited was that with a new year comes a new age and she will be eighteen soon. At eighteen she would be an adult and all restrictions on her will be remove, but what made her sad and angry was the fact that the old woman still lives with them. Apart from that, Yang Meiyi felt as if she has forgotten something, she felt as if something happened to Meiyi on her eighteen birthday but she couldn't remember it. She could swear she knew what it was before, but now her head was blank. No matter how hard she tried, she could no longer remember what it was that happened to Meiyi on her eighteenth birthday.

Yang Meiyi looked up to the sky and prayed that hopefully it was something good. Suddenly her phone rang, she smiled when she saw that it was Fu Mingze calling. "Merry Christmas." She said excited after answering the call.

Fu Mingze softly laugh at her excitment and replied "Merry Christmas. What are doing?"

"I'm in my room, avoiding my grandmother. I wish I could spend Christmas with you and grandpa Fu."

Fu Mingze smiled and said "Then come over."

Yang Meiyi immediately sat up as she asked "Really? Can I really come over."

"Of course you can. I'm sure grandpa will be glad to see you, but wouldn't your parents mind?"

"Mom and dad went to visit grandpa Sang alone, I wanted to tag along but she refused me. I'm sure they will be back in the evening."

"So should I come pick you up?" Fu Mingze asked with a gentle voice.

Yang Meiyi shook her head and said "Grandmother will never allow me to leave the house, she is so strict and old fashioned. I don't think I will able to come."

There was a flash of disappointment in Fu Mingze eyes which quickly went away as he said "Alright. I have to go check on grandpa, I will call you later."

Yang Meiyi nodded and sighed sadly when the call ended. Her eyes went to her open window and an idea came to her mind, she walked to her window and whispered "There will be some bruises but I think I can still make it."


Fu Mansion.

"Over this past few months, you have looked happier than I have ever seen you. Is it right to assume that Meiyi is responsible for that happiness?" Grandpa Fu asked with a teasing smile.

Fu Mingze sipped the wine in his glass and said "She makes me happy, but she is still too young. I'm eight years older than her, sometimes I feel like I'm too old for her."

Grandpa Fu smiled at his grandson and said "Our heart can't help who we fall in love with. I was ten years older than your grandmother but still we got married and we were happy. It's a shame she left early after being diagnosed with cancer. My point is, very soon Meiyi is going to be eighteen and will be going to college. You need to shoot your shot before those young boys take her away from you."

Fu Mingze laughed softly as he said "Grandpa, never again ask me to shoot my shot, that sounds weird coming from you."

Grandpa Fu scoffed and said "You say it as if I wasn't once your age. Kids these days don't know how to appreciate a good advice."

Fu Mingze smile at his grandpa and suddenly asked "Why did you adopt Yang Meiyi?"

Grandpa Fu shrug and said "She was cute and I was intrigued by the way a ten years old proposed to you. At that time, I adopted her just for fun, I never knew she would be a more filial grandchild than my own. Then as she grew up, I actually started liking her and a part of me hope that you will fall in love with her, I just had this instinct that she could make you happy and that is what I want. I want you to let go of your past and be happy Mingze."

Fu Mingze empty his glass of wine and looked at his grandfather with a smile as he said "I will be fine. There's no need to worry about me and as for my relationship with Yang Meiyi, I will like it if you don't meddle too much. Don't pressure her, she is still young."

Grandpa Fu pouted and asked "Why would I pressure her?"

Fu Mingze chuckles at his grandpa behavior and just then someone knocked on the door and after receiving permission to come in, Butler Xia came in and bowed slightly before saying "Someone is here to see the young master."

"Is it Bai Jian?" Fu Mingze asked as he stood up.

"It isn't the young master Bai, but this person has requested to see you urgently."

Fu Mingze frowned as he opened the door to leave his grandfather study, he was surprised by the person who was waiting for him by the door. "You are here?"

Yang Meiyi smiled at the surprised look on his face and exclaimed "Surprised!" She brought both of her hands to her chin and asked with a brighter smile "Aren't I the best Christmas present you have ever received?"

Fu Mingze couldn't describe the emotion he was feeling as he looked at her bright smile, he felt an overwhelming feeling in his heart. A feeling that made him pull her into his arms and thought of how he never wanted to let her go. He felt as Yang Meiyi relax in his embrace and with a smile, said, "You are indeed the best Christmas present I have ever received."