A Thief In Our Midst.

Yang Jia looked at the rough and untidy environment she just stepped into and felt uncomfortable but nevertheless, she encourage herself and knocked on the wooden door in front of her. The door opened after a few seconds revealing a woman in her late forties.

Yang Jia looked at the woman and asked "Are you Mrs. Chu?"

"Yes, and you are?" The woman named Mrs Chu asked.

"Yang Jia. You may not know me but I heard you were good friends with my mother, Tong Shan."

At the mention of Tong Shan, Mrs Chu expression darken and she said "That was years ago and if there is anything I have ever regretted in my life was being friends with that crazy woman."

Yang Jia frowned and said "You shouldn't talk about a dead person like that."

Mrs Chu eyes flashed in surprised as she asked in disbelief "Tong Shan is dead? But how?"

"Do you mind if I come in, we can talk better inside."