A Bond Of Friendship.

Days turned to weeks and today marked the end of the semester for Meiyi, she felt so excited to go back home. The school has given them a two-month break before they begin the next semester and to Meiyi, that met no classes, assignments, tests, or writing of exams for two months. It meant freedom to her.

"With the smile on your face, one might think you are already graduating." Ma Xin said as she folded her clothes in her bag.

"On that day you will see a bigger smile than this on my face. That day is going to be the happiest day of my life, but for now, I have to be satisfied with this two-month break. I also can't wait to see my Mingze."

"Your Mingze? Aren't you going home for the break?" Ma Xin asked.

Yang Meiyi let out a sly smile and said "I'm going to spend this two months with him."