His Girl Has To Be Alive.

Yang Meiyi gasped as she opened her eyes and felt pain all over her body. The smell of gasoline hit her nose and she knew if she did not leave this car she was going to die in it. And what was that dream, it was as if she was shown how the real Meiyi died.

Just how did she forget about the fact that Yang Meiyi died at the age of eighteen, damn it! She knew she had forgotten something but no matter how hard she tried she couldn't remember, what if there were more things she was forgetting? It doesn't matter, the real Meiyi may have died in a car explosion but not her, she can't die. She has so much in this world that she can't afford to wake up as Liu Yi again. Liu Yi didn't have a man who loved her like Fu Mingze nor did she have a mother like Sang Xiu, her life can't end here, never.