We Are Doing This The Wrong Way.

Everywhere hurts and why was her head banging? She felt as if drums were being played in her head, why does it hurt so much?

"Meiyi?" A deep voice called.

Someone was calling her? That voice sounded so familiar, it sounded like her Mingze, but he was on a business trip so he couldn't possibly be him, right?

Yang Meiyi groaned in pain as she opened her eyes softly, she could hear the beeping of a machine, looking at the white ceiling above her she wondered where she was and that was when she felt his hand gently caressing her cheek as he whispered "You are alright, you are safe."

Yang Meiyi slowly turned her head to the voice and whispered "Mingze?"

Fu Mingze brushed her hair gently and whispered "I'm here."

"Am I alive?" Yang Meiyi asked softly.

"Of course you are baby."

"It hurts"

Fu Mingze smiled and kissed her hands as he said "I know, but it will get better. Give me a minute to go call the doctor."