An Early Heart Attack.

Yang Meiyi stared at the number she didn't recognize and thought it was a prank. Was someone trying to mess with her at this moment? She decided to ignore the message when she received another one saying [Your father isn't really who he says he is, that man is a liar. Please don't ignore this message, young miss.]

Yang Meiyi stared at the message for a brief moment and called a taxi to take her to Sweet Bite cafe.

Yang Meiyi arrived at Sweet Bite Cafe and saw someone waving their hand to her, she immediately recognized the woman as one of the maids who worked at Sang mansion.

Yang Meiyi walked towards the woman and heard her saying "I'm so glad you came."

Yang Meiyi sat down and said "I know you. You worked as a maid in my grandpa's mansion."

The woman nodded and said, "Old Master Sang has been very kind to me and my family that's why I cannot stand the injustice that is happening to you."