Stay Out Of My Sight.

Yang Meiyi frowned and looked at Long Fei who was looking at both her and Fu Mingze with a slight smile.

"Were you following me?" Yang Meiyi asked.

"I may be many things Miss Yang but I'm not a stalker." Long Fei replied.

Fu Mingze looked at Long Fei with a frown and noticed that Yang Meiyi was still holding his hand he forcefully removed his hand from her hold and said "Do me a favor Meiyi, stay out of my sight. Country M is big enough for me not to see your face for the rest of my life."

"But I...."

Before Yang Meiyi could even form a sentence, Fu Mingze had already walked away.

"You were his fiancee, right?"

Yang Meiyi turned to Long Fei and asked "What do you mean?"