The Only One Who Can Make Him Happy

Xia Lian looks at the employee ID on Yang Meiyi's neck and frowns. Why was she wearing that? When and how did she become an employee of Fu Group?

"What are you doing here?" Xia Lian finally asked in a cold tone.

The first time Yang Meiyi met Xia Lian she thought he had the eyes of a murderer and with the time she spent with Fu Mingze, she realized the man standing in front of her could do anything for Fu Mingze. This loyalty came to be when Fu Mingze found him on the street beaten and starved.

At that time Fu Mingze was just fifteen years old, while Xia Lian was a ten years old boy. Fu Mingze took him home, fed him, and even gave him a room but Grandpa Fu said that the only way he would allow the boy to stay with them was if he became a member of the Xia family and Xia Lian agreed.

He moved into the Xia headquarters and trained day and night so that he would be picked to become Fu Mingze's guard instead of Butler Xia's son.