I Won't Sign The Papers

After sleeping for five hours, Fu Mingze finally opened his eyes and noticed that he was feeling slightly better. His eyes went to the door and he wondered if she was still there or could it be that he was just imagining her, he had heard that fever sometimes causes hallucinations.

Feeling thirsty, he got up from the bed and went to the kitchen. He was surprised when he saw a pot on his gas, he opened the pot and saw that it contained chicken soup. Who made this? It wasn't Bai Jian because he was sure that friend of his didn't even know how to boil water. Could it be Xia Lian? His mind wanted to go to her name but he knew he hadn't seen her or felt her, that it was just the fever messing with his brain, so even thinking that it could be her was definitely out of the question.

When he heard the door open, he was convinced that it was Xia Lian, he quickly went to the living room to confirm his thought and froze when he saw Yang Meiyi looking back at him.